What the everloving hell?

Now, as for me, I do love senseless violence and big explosions in my games. I’m immature that way.

And yet… I can’t quite pin down the problem I have with this game.

Oh, wait. I know, it’s a game where you kill whoever you can’t convert. Who else can we point to that does that as well… hmm.

I’m starting to think that Hell does have more love for us than God if that shit ever hits the market.

I mean, isn’t there some kind of laws against all that? I’m not in favor of passing all those laws against video games, but when people make shit like this I, even as a gamer, have to wonder if there isn’t some point to them after all.

And I never thought I’d ever agree with Jack Thompson on a video game related topic, but I do.
(And I really like his choice of words. “Hits your hot button”, hehe. ^^)

This is very, very disturbing if it’s true. X-X

It looketh pretty awful. Heh. I … I just honestly don’t know what to say here. That’s, like, the biggest load of bullshit in a video game. Ever. I’m just sort of giving the nervous laughter you give as an alternative to, say, cussing the sky blue.

are you fucking kidding me?

blinkblink O_o

For once I feel frightened of what the future may hold.

It’s partly false. The game is real, but the blog is biased, I was fooled until someone pointed me toward a more objective source of information.

Read, it actually sounds worth trying in terms of game mechanics.

Wow… yeah, that sounds much more realistic, and kind of interesting. That blog is completely misinterpreting and misreading it.

“Players aren’t competing to kill the enemy army – rather, they’re trying to save them, and each person killed represents a failure rather than a success.”

At this point it hasnt recieved enough attention to know for sure whether the game in question is as bad as the OP article, or as innovative as the gamespy articloe implies. That said, I think that if they created some kind of alternate universe and created entirely different religions (as in, made up ones) but kept the gameplay elements intact, it would have been an awesome game.

As it stands, though, I’m probably not going to touch it unless the latter proves true, and still gets great reviews.

Ah. Makes a bit more sense now. Still, aside from “play as one of two opposing forces which are distinctly ‘good guy’ or ‘bad guy’” genericness, I think I’m a bit too secular (Discordianism aside) to enjoy a game where you’re either specifically Christian or specifically the anti-Christian.

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. It seems that religion is enveloping us all and wedging its way into everything, engulfing its people under one faith, hidden under a mask to prevent itself from “opposing” religion even though it is a member itself. Instead of its purpose of peace and prosperity, it brings the exact opposite. I had a discussion just recentley with a green party member. She said she was against all religion for the fact that it divides us people with its blindness and hardheaded assumption that their truth is right; pride if you will.

:stuck_out_tongue: But the game looks pretty cool, I gotta hand it to you. But Im starting to get tired of religion sticking its ass into my daily life. Even video games. Things that were once irrelevant with God are oddley becoming part of it NOW. Im not a religious person if you cant tell. Partial Catholic, Partial Agnostic. And Im keeping it that way :slight_smile: But hell, Im not saying Im against the game. Its just funny in A nonfunny way to me. All I know is that History repeats itself. And if we are becoming like this now,who knows…

Huh. I read that a couple of times, and drew all the wrong conclusions, oddly enough. Perhaps the thread I found it in turned me against it: Wouldn’t need much, since I care little for the Left Behind series, and I definately wouldn’t like this.

Anyways, I was under the impression of another game, since I knew about this previously as well. shrugs Count it up to the kitty being dumb.

Doesn’t make me distrust this game any less though.

I had a discussion just recentley with a green party member. She said she was against all religion for the fact that it divides us people with its blindness and hardheaded assumption that their truth is right; pride if you will.

One could make the exact same statement about, say, liberals. Or conservatives. Ideology is ideology; people have a very strong tendency to claim that anyone who disagrees with them is a) wrong, and b) a worse person because they believe it.

Believe which “it”? The ideals or the opposite or whatever? Sorry, uh, I’m not quite clear on that last bit …

Yes, I’d assume that “it” refers to an ideology not in line with one’s own.

I mean that people always have a tendency to belittle anyone who disagrees with them, and tries to stifle debate and argument. It’s not the sole property of religion.

True, but why is that? I never understood why man must shun those with different views. If anything it helps our culture be diverse and colorful. Just think what it would be like to live in a city where everyone is named monotomous monotomous. Anyways, on topic should we expect another protest round for this one guys? Surely someone will be “offended” :stuck_out_tongue:

Heard about this a few weeks ago. Seems interesting enough, will give it a try.

Though ultimately I think the lack of GIANT spidertanks will result in it being uninstalled.

I never understood why man must shun those with different views.

Not everyone does… but people like safety. Every time something changes, there’s a risk that things will be worse than the way they are now. That’s why, for example, it has to get really really bad in an autocratic state before the people would be willing to rebel; there isn’t much further down to go, so they eventually try to change their situation.
In addition, we validate ourselves when people agree with us - it shows us that we’re “successful” in ideas; we’re “popular”. We have a clique.