This is the sequel to a thread that occured before the Great Deletion 2, which asked whether or not I should stick with comedy or serious fics. As you can see, I stuck with comedy, despite the many people that wanted otherwise.
This time, it’s about my general lack of motivation. I’ve lost faith in the system, thanks to the lack of an update. As a result, many good ideas for my fics have slipped out of my mind. This has made me very depressed; so much so that I moved into a house that was haunted by a terrorist. Oops, that was something different.
Anyway, I think that if I take a brief vacation from one fic, I can concentrate on the others with more motivation. Right now, my mind is spread across four fics, each one not even close to completion. If I keep up like this, my mind will dry up, and I will die a horrible, agonizing death. Therefore, I present to you, my humble readers, the chance to tell which fic goes on hiatus. Your choices are:
Origins Saga. It’s just starting out; we still have six Dragon Balls left to find, six other mes to kill, and an evil scientist to take out. Oh, and Mox is on our side, which is better than trying to fight him, at least.
Movie Saga. The other saga that hardly has anything right now. It won’t be as long as a normal saga (since it’s supposed to be a movie), but it will have the usual saga stuff.
Half-Spawn. I hardly update this anymore, but only because I’m moving beyond the scope that I had originally reached. That, and the plot has completely changed, what with Dion becoming a psycopath instead of a good-natured guy.
King of Fanfiction: This is causing me more grief than ever. This WILL go on hiatus at the very end, when I have to finally pick the winner of the crown, but if I stop early, I could plan everything else out much more easily.
Okay, people. I leave it in your hands. Choose your destiny.