…matters as much as a fart in the wind. Your self-image should be just that - how YOU view yourself. The opinions of others might be an interesting curiosity, but shouldn’t have much bearing on your opinion on yourself. It’s always pleasing to get a nice compliment, but seeking to provoke those comments might take of the earnestness out of them. It is true that comments from other people about your personality can help you determine how you’d like to improve yourself, but I would think the essence of self-improvement lies in self-analysis (as opposed to self-analyzation, which I belief is impossible for all but the best contortionists). It seems to me that if you’re looking to improve yourself you’re barking up the wrong tree by relying on the opinions of others. And if you’re just doing it for a warm fuzzy feeling of self-contentment…well, goddamn…just go drink some tea or something.
In other words, please, please, please stop with the “What do you think of me?” threads.
Why do I have a feeling you’re just saying this cuz you don’t want others to start telling you what they think of you? Cuz, really, lately you’ve become an even bigger prick than the people you constantly criticize.
You missed by a mile X. I honestly just don’t like those “tell me about me” threads. If you’d like to PM me about my prickiness, do so. Or catch me in the chat sometime. I promise I most likely won’t tell you to go sodomize yourself with a broken broom handle like I did on a separate occasion. That goes for everyone else, too; I’m willing to listen if you have something to say about me. It’s just that I think it’s a little suspicious to actively seek out criticism. That would lead me to think that the seeker already thinks there’s something wrong with him and hasn’t figured it out yet.
Nonsense, Cless. I’d rather have him tell me to piss off and be honest about it rather than let a potential misunderstanding breed for some time. I am entirely conscious of how many of my posts have become more severe and darker than things I’d posted in the past. X is not the first non-me person to notice it either. If he has a problem with it, I really do not mind addressing it.
Err…and yes, there is a certain amount of irony in how an anti-“about me” thread is currently being focused on a particular person, but whatever. It is different.
No need to apologize to me OMFX. It’s not uncommon for people to jump on a bandwagon thread idea when they come around. Heck, even “seriously”-topic’ed threads tend to come in groups. It may not be my place, but I’ll just suggest putting a little more thought into the threads you create. I’m sure everyone here is capable of coming up with something original and interesting. One of the conditions of that is that it doesn’t even have to appeal to everybody to be interesting. If even only one or two people enjoy a thread and it didn’t piss everyone else off, then isn’t it a success?
<i><small>Edited for stupid spelling/grammar mistakes. Whoops.</small></i>
So, are you just telling me to go fuck myself again or what? Cuz honestly, every time I tried to be honest with you in the past, you suddenly make like I’m your deep-seated worst hated…thing.
And Cless, no it wasn’t. It’s the truth, and if others see fit to tell me what a worthless individual I am, well, they’ll get it in kind.
Originally posted by RoguePaladinTrian No need to apologize to me OMFX. It’s not uncommon for people to jump on a bandwagon thread idea when they come around. Heck, even “seriously”-topic’ed threads tend to come in groups. It may not be my place, but I’ll just suggest putting a little more thought into the threads you create. I’m sure everyone here is capable of coming up with something original and interesting. One of the conditions of that is that it doesn’t even have to appeal to everybody to be interesting. If even only one or two people enjoy a thread and it didn’t piss everyone else off, then isn’t it a success?
Originally posted by MegamanX2K So, are you just telling me to go fuck myself again or what? Cuz honestly, every time I tried to be honest with you in the past, you suddenly make like I’m your deep-seated worst hated…thing.
That depends. If I think what you’re saying is stupid, I will call you an idiot. Doesn’t mean I hate you, it just means that I do think what you’re saying is stupid. It’s brutally blunt at times, but it’s one of the results of my conscious attempt to be more honest in basically all things. If you are (afraid isn’t exactly the word to use here, because I don’t think you’re afraid of what I have to say…maybe “wary” would be closer) that my opinion of you is still so negative, then you’d be wrong, though that’s not your fault really. I haven’t said anything, but you’ve been pretty cool to have around for the past month or two, or however long it’s been since you last had it out with certain folks (it may have been a shorter amount of time; this is summer, time’s distorted for me. It’s the vacation effect.). I’ll put it simpler; if I’m not saying something bad about you, I probably don’t have a problem with you at the moment. Hence the lack of comments suggesting innovative recycling methods for old kitchen instruments.
Just not saying anything isn’t exactly going to send people the right signal, especially when the only times you DO say anything make one wish you hadn’t open your mouth. Hell, I think that broomstick comment’s about the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me. Anytime you do talk to me, it’s only to criticize me (and not in a constructive fashion) or just to tell me how much you hate me. Since you haven’t said anything to me in the past few months I assumed you just had better things to do than bother me, not that you suddenly and inexplicably liked me now. And while you may feel I’m a fun person to be around, the feeling is definately not mutual.
I didn’t think any one had a problem with those types of threads. If people what to be told they have problems, go to a shrink. just don’t ask people here!
Originally posted by RoguePaladinTrian In other words, please, please, please stop with the “What do you think of me?” threads.
That’s really all that needs to be said, though it bears repeating several times. Oh yeah, and I like you also RPT in a not completely non-homosexual way.
Originally posted by MegamanX2K Just not saying anything isn’t exactly going to send people the right signal
I’ll keep that in mind; however, I won’t make it my responsibility to ensure that everyone knows exactly how I feel about them, X. The early times I made comments to you was because you’d been “in the way” (best way I can put it at the moment) somehow - antagonizing people in the chat or flaming on the messageboards. I do not regret those comments them, but I would probably not make them now (given the whole vigilanteism rule, which I still trip over occasionally). More recently my comments have been in threads where they were relevant. If you review anything I’ve said to you recently, I think you’ll see that despite being negative they do not imply hate in any way, at least in how I interpret the words I write
And “cool” and “fun” are different things. “Cool” insofar as the lack of heated flaming. “Fun” doesn’t really apply because I think my interests in threads tend to be different than yours.
As for my prickiness in general, let others deal with me as they will.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I appear to have a smiley in my pants.
Most recently your comments have been in threads where they were both unneccessary and hypocritical due to your being…well, you. And the only things I’ve seen you say recently amount to telling me that you’ve always liked me all along after all.
You’ll have to elaborate instead of making general blanket statements that leave me with no clue of what you’re talking about. The only action of mine in recent memory which could be seen as remotely hypocritical is when I heavily criticized Manus Dei in the thread concerning a rape incident in Germany (which could be seen as violating the vigilante rule, the only reason I’d regret it).
In any case, this thread has turned into a conversation between me and you, so we mine as well move it to PMs from here-on-in.
while what one thinks of oneself is very important, don’t be so casual about casting away the relevance of what others think of you. I’ll always say, if everyone thinks you’re a jerk then it doesn’t matter what you think of yourself because you’re still a jerk.