And 8 months behind in updates? Sweet Candied Jesus…
And 8 months behind in updates? Sweet Candied Jesus…
I know it’s off-topic, but where can I get that?
Get what? Ragnarok Online?
And that’s pretty pathetic. You’d think that for being a multinational company, after the first hacker attack, they would have had the common sense to beef up their security considerably.
Gravity’s not the sharpest company around. And yeah, I know about the hacking- hell, RO’s down for maintenence right now while they work on it. Does it mean I’ll stop playing? No.
Good god why? Your credit info was stolen last time, that should have been a pretty good indicater that things weren’t right - that information shouldn’t be that readily available.
No, whoever reported Credit Card info was stolen last time was wrong. The CC info isn’t stored on anything Gravity owns- that’s the point. It’s stored by a completely different company in Korea so if RO is hacked, your CC stuff cannot be accessed.
My mistake, it wasn’t credit information, it was user ID and passwords that were leaked.
No worries. All that stuff got fixed relatively quickly so it wasn’t too big of a deal.
Yes, exactly CH =P. EPRO and FrPro and FlPro too =P
XPAOM. Who gives a shit, I don’t make a thread every time Diablo gets hacked, or about how much WC3 sucks ass, so give it a fucking rest. You aren’t going to chang anyones mind that playes, and you make yourself look like an ass at the same time, congratulations. I could go in to a lond speil about how most internationally releasd MMOs are 1-2 years behind the best updates when innitally released, but you wouldn’t listen and I’m a bit pissed about losing my computer.
Originally posted by Frameskip
Who gives a shit, I don’t make a thread every time Diablo gets hacked
We all know how much D2 sucks as of now, so that makes no point
or about how much WC3 sucks ass, so give it a fucking rest.
Well, that’s to you. I actually think wc3 is quite a good game, and that RO sucks a donkey’s asshole, but that’s just my opinion.
You aren’t going to chang anyones mind that playes, and you make yourself look like an ass at the same time, congratulations.
For posting a news article he’s immediately making himself look like an ass? Come on Frame, it’s not like X doesn’t make an ass out of himself enough without you calling him one over just harmlessly reporting something fairly large that happened.
I could go in to a lond speil about how most internationally releasd MMOs are 1-2 years behind the best updates when innitally released, but you wouldn’t listen and I’m a bit pissed about losing my computer.
Everyone knows every MMO is extremely shitty in <b>SOME</b> fashion. They wouldn’t be multiplayer if they weren’t.
The funny thing is, RO is one of the least problematic MMORPGs. Ultima Online, Everquest, they all have problems and a lot of them. Rollbacks and even complete character wipes happen a lot, so despite what it seems, RO is remarkably stable. People just give it a lot of crap.
Ragnarok Online is, as Kagon mentioned, one of the more stable and also secure of the large mmorpgs: People just like to throw dirt at it for some reason.
But Gravity do seem to be lost in the age where the net was a friendly place and everyone knew everyone and no one knew what hacking was.
Do you have pay for RO?
I believe you have to pay for iRO now but you can play on coughprivateserverscough for free.
It’s not that I hate RO, I just lost interest in it a while ago. After it went p2p, I played for a month, and the servers stopped shutting down so often, so it became much more stable.
Like Steve said, every MMORPG has at least some problems; running a server with thousands of people people on it daily isn’t exactly easy. Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided got near perfect reviews from every review I saw, but they still mentioned that it had some bugs and that sometimes the graphics loaded too slowly (An Empire Divided rocks, by the way).
And how does RO > EQ ?
Runescape servers are more stable then RO.
Runescape sucks. lololololz