WC3: Inspired by Capcom?

Does anyone other than me think the Ghouls bear a somewhat strong resemblance to Vampire Saviour’s Zabel? Just some food for thought.

I don’t think so…

Although Blizzard has openly admitted that they were heavily enfluenced (in both the Warcraft and Starcraft games) by Warhammer and Warhammer 40k.

I think it’s just a coincidence. They do kind of look similar, but from what I remember, there weren’t too many rock/metal refernces in WC3, where as Zabel(or Lord Raptor) played the guitar and stuff.

Except for the end cinema where theres a rock concert?

Uhh there is? Well I don’t really have WC3, I’ve just played multiplayer…

WC3 and most blizzard games are massively influenced by a lot of factors, like fantasy movies (I have one in mind that helped influence D2X), Evil Dead 3 Army of Darkness and others.

Let’s not forget that they steal many quotes for units as well. There were quite a few Star Trek references in SC (I know off my head that the Arbiter refers to Zephram Cochrane). The peasant and a few knight quotes from WC3 are from Monty Python.

Originally posted by Xelopheris
Let’s not forget that they steal many quotes for units as well. There were quite a few Star Trek references in SC (I know off my head that the Arbiter refers to Zephram Cochrane). The peasant and a few knight quotes from WC3 are from Monty Python.

A huge amount of the unit’s “pissed” quotes in both Warcarft 3 and Starcraft come from movies, as do quite a few of the cheats.

I posted this on the 8-BT Forums the other day.

“I won’t be surprised if they have ‘ilikeswords’ as a cheat in WoW”

Cheats? In an MMORPG? Unlikely, I’d say :wink:

That won’t stop cheaters. -__-

And just out of interest, why 8-BT? I don’t remember anything like that from WC3.

I’d be a happy man if they had cheats in WOW, but nothing like invincibilty, I mean stuff like the disco cheat in WC2.

Speaking of Warcraft, I think WOTC were big blizzard fans when they were making this (these?) card.

Whats wrong with allusion(?) in video games?

Necroposting (which is what you did, since the topic was really old) is frowned upon man.

Your face is frowned upon.

And I don’t really think there’s anything wrong with allusion in video games, and actually I don’t think anyone is really opposed to it.

Damn you Gila, just because my face isnt the best doesnt mean you can go and hurt my feelings like that. Now if you will excuse me, I’m gonna go have a cry.