Is this game worth buying?
Cause i am lookin for a good rpg.
Is this game worth buying?
Cause i am lookin for a good rpg.
You might want to check out some reviews, preferably multiple reviews (the one I saw gave it a 3 or 4/10 :P)
I played it and found it a little less than good. I’d suggest getting the other sagas.
Well if you want to get a prolog DVD for FFX-2 then wait until the new version of US is released.
I haven’t heard of anything good about this game.
The only good thing about U : SaGa was the music, everything else is just crap <.< >.>
So it’s kinda like FFMQ. :hahaha;
If you want a good SaGa, try one of the SaGa Frontiers.
FFMQ’s a good game. It was just very simple. Something U Saga isn’t.
Unlimited SaGa is a good idea in theory, but it’s too complicated to be a really fun game. If you have Unlimited PATIENCE, you can probly handle this game. Here’s how to test if you’re patient and calm enough to play U. SaGa:
Ask someone to punch you in the face 9 times.
Have someone pin you down and slap you in the face for 15 minutes.
Force yourself to undergo verbal harrassment ALL DAY at your work/school/both.
If you went through all 3 of these tests without getting angry, you MIGHT have what it takes to play Unlimited SaGa without flinging your PS2 out the window.
Have fun if you try it though. It’s not quite as bad as the reviews say. It’s just fucking infuriating.
I think i’ll try it out. How complicating is it?
And yes, I am very patient.
Seriously, go do what SG suggested before trying the game. But also go and play through SaGa Frontier 1 blindfolded. That is about as irritating as U SaGa is. Dont get me wrong, it’s great game in theory, but then again, communism works in theory too.
I go between periods of loving the game and hating it. As long as the game doesn’t decide to throw me into impossible situations and battles, I don’t mind it. The second it throws a monster at me I couldn’t beat with full LP anyways at the end of a dungeon, I want to snap the disk in half. It’s really an overall infuriating game.
What about Arc the Lad: Legend of Twilight Spirits?
Or, Summoner?
Any other RPGS?
Having not played it, my only suggestion for USaGa is to rent it first to see if you can stand it or not.
As for Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits, I like it. It’s pretty fun. In some places it can be hard (relative to today’s RPGs), and in others it can be easy. Overall, it’s rather average but still fun.
And if you can find it, Suikoden III.
Suikoden 3…i’ll look far that. What’s so unique about it?
Um… 108 characters to recruit?
Trinity Sight System (actually expanded to encompass 6 different POVs…)
A base you can build up with said 108 characters?
A connection to the first two allowing certain characters obtained in 2 be recruited in 3 with better stats…
Army battles…
Alot of stuff. Just go get it.
What about the story?
I can’t really talk about the story at all without revealing major spoilers.
Sounds promising.
It’s a really good game. It has sweet gameplay and the character combos are way easier to figure out than in 1 or 2(at least what ive see). But like 984 said, the game is really spoilertastic storywise.