Uh... Hello...?

Are you referring to me, Jenna? I don’t care about where my ass goes as long as [STRIKE]my blood thirst is satisfied[/STRIKE] I can say what I think.

Whoa, really? That means so much to me.
And, I’m a huge fan of Wild ARMs. It’s my past, present, and future.

My life IS Wild ARMs.

Dont ruin it now kid.

dt is just a big teddy bear ^.^

And no, I wasn’t talking to you.

I’d be sure of that.

A teddy bear from hell.

You scare me to no end.

Well… He’s a teddy bear if you’re an average looking girl who looks at porn and makes awesome puppy-chow.

There is always an end.

As in life.
It ends.
And yours will, too.
Along with mine.

Er… I’m beginning to not be amused by you anymore.

See? Amusement ends.


:dancer: :spam: :booster: :wave: These are some… interesting smilies…

:moogle: This one looks dirty to me.

Ha ha. He broke my record.

Huh? What do you mean? What is this record you speak of?

In my 100+ posts… I have yet to use a single smile.

Quickest to piss off Jenna.

lol. Shouldn’t I feel special?

:moogle: That moogle looks dirty…

Yay for California!

That’s because it is… :moogle: :hyperven: :dancer: :boring: :mwahaha:

That would explain it…

He didn’t piss me off.

You said that already.

Give him time. He’s new.

XD Yup.

Does that mean I can’t say it again?