U.S Military building Necrons

Iceland has its own language?

Yeah. It’s beautiful. Incredibly hard to learn, but beautiful. I think it’s half of what makes me want to live there.

The article has been revised to make the robot more loveable

Er, respect to the dead is nice, but not producing dead is also kind of nifty.

We humans generally respect our own dead enough not to use them for fuel.

I honestly don’t see how leaving a body to rot, or burning it to a pile of ashes is in any way more respectful than using the body. I, personally, want my organs donated, and the remainder of my corpse used to fertilize soil.

Also, I believe you eat meat. You really have no ethical grounds to condemn something’s consumption of another species for sustenance. I would argue it would be hypocritical of me, even, to argue that consuming bodies is somehow wrong, since I still eat the dead, albeit not dead animals. As far as I can see, you’re saying that it’s immoral for something to eat humans. Do you find all carnivorous animals similarly abhorrent? Do you enter into self-righteous rants about the disrespectful way crocodiles eat people after they kill them? I seriously doubt it.

You’re making a largely arbitrary, internally inconsistent argument, as far as I can see. A robot consuming dead animal matter to continue its existence really isn’t altogether so far removed from an animal (hint: you) consuming dead animal matter, or even anything that was once alive, to sustain your own.

I think she means that humans building robots to eat humans is basically cannibalism.

But its like I said, unless they are used in wars(probably) they won’t be eating people because we need dead people for cadaver tissue. I doubt there is much respect for the dead on a battlefield anyway.

Cannibalism means a species eating its own species. It would be cannibalism if robots were eating robots, not if robots ate humans.

Also: I largely agree with Arac’s post.

I’m not arguing against cannibalism. I just find it interesting that we, a society that does condemn cannibalism would create a robot that would go against our group morals that say that the dead are something we respect and bury/cremate. I would think that people would be against the ethics of creating a robot that would eat people’s bodies.

It does say the robot is for military purposes. I don’t think we’ve ever given a shit how respected the bodies of “the other side” were.

I don’t think the public would openly approve a robot that ate human flesh. It would gross them out. If you asked them outright 'Would you approve of a war robot that ate human flesh for energy?"

But if you put it in a different context, I’m sure they would. “We’ve built a robot that can utilize organic materials as fuel to help protect the American people…” then, well, hello man-eating robots.

Not that teh government would care what we think that much.

facepalms This is so going to head down a dark twisted path…