
I just finished watching this series, and all I can say is wow.
I really hope they make a second season or maybe an OVA, since it really deserves one. They really left it open for one too.

I mean Vash walking to town with Knives? What’s the deal with that? Knives will (pardon the pun) just backstab him and kill everyone around him, or will he? That’s why we need a new series to see what happens. And I seriously think Meryl’s some kinda of reletive of Rem.

All in all I have to say that Trigun rocked, and if anyone is considering watching this and are in doubt watch it now.

Vash said he was going to save Knives, and he did. He’ll probably go through all the angst-y crap and become a new man considering how his worst enemy saved his life, and then he’ll go on in life pondering if he can really kill Vash or not, after that, or he’ll smarten up and see things in life that Vash saw.
And Knives killed off Rem’s last relative, didn’t he? There was that scene…well it’s open for possibility, but I think they just put that in there to make a closer bond between Vash and Meryl.

Yea I see your point Eva, but if they do make a second series that will be sweet.;_: Apart from no Wolfwood.

Yes I loved him too ;_;

I seriously doubt they will, Trigun is already several years old and if they haven’t done a sequel for far more popular series then you really have to wonder about the likelihood of them following up on Trigun.

Anime series are often based on the manga, and sometimes the series stops before the end of the manga or doesn’t follow the story exactly. I don’t know about Trigun in particular, but you could always try looking for the manga and see if that satisfies your craving.

Dark Sand look at Gundam; how old is that? Trigun is only 5 years old, it’s not too late. Meanie ;; ruining my hopes…;;

There is a Trigun manga, and it is apparantly different from the anime. Wolfwood stays alive in it, and HE is Chapel the Evergreen.

A page with lots of translations of the manga.

MBG, I love you. Pity there are no pictures.

Me and my friend watched and we had a party to celebrate living through the series

Pardon? Explain?

Trigun kicked Ass.

Now watch Hellsing or Cowboy Hayes.

Gundam is a bad example, there have been several series with the name Gundam, but other than the fact that the mechs are called Gundams they have nothing in common, 08th MS has nothing to do with Gundam Wing which has nothing to do with Gundam Seed. What you want is a sequel, not a new series.

But the point is even though they were not related Gundam continued. My point is that Trigun is nowhere near as old as Gundam and nothing has happened for it, there is still a chance.

Gundam has a much broader fan base, anyways I believe.

Stop crushing my dreams ;_;

I just started to watch this but i need to start from the beginning does anyone know how much the dvd runs???

26 eps.

Bah DVD. I assume it’s heavily censored? Or is it? Meh, Ithink fansubbing rules.