Top Final Fantasy cliches (may contain spoilers)

  1. Secretly related characters (appears in FF4, FF5, FF6, FF8, FF9, FF10)
  2. A Second world (FF4, FF5, FF6, FF9)
  3. An Ancient event…a thousand years ago…(FF5, FF6, FF9, FF10)
  4. the Archetypical Final Fantasy cast:
    Hero: Age 17-21, doesn’t know his true past. Uses a sword. (FF4-10)
    Girlfriend: same age as the hero, generally a healer. (FF4, FF5, FF7, FF8, FF9, FF10)
    The Child: A younger magic user, who the hero helps come to grips their pain.
    The funny guy: tall, big, clunky, comic relief character. (FF2, FF4, FF7,FF8, FF9, FF10).
    The brooder: Slightly older than the rest of the cast, dettached. says “…” a lot. (FF6, FF7, FF9, FF10)
    The Villain: The hero’s brother/ father/ counterpart. Turns into the a monster at the end. (FF4, FF7, FF8, FF9, FF10.)

what are some other amusing FF cliches?

RPGs in general, but hey.

There was a full list of every single RPG cliche in existence, over on The GIA. Unfortunately it seems the whole site is no more.

EDIT: Forget everything I just said I have found a copy of the list, with a few more modern additions.

Just go here

Although it is missing some of the ones from the original, it is still pretty good.

The final boss always holds the key to destroying all existence as we know it, but he or she patiently waits for you at the top of his tower/center of the planet/end of his castle until you arrive, then chooses only to flaunt his or her power when you arrive.

Check these out, they are way better than the above mentioned. It’s pure wisdom that’s what it is.
The Grand List of RPG Cliches
The NEXT Grand List of Console RPG Cliches

I think Rirse did a list like these and we all added our stuff into it, where did that go?