Top 5 movies of the year?

I liked the Illusionist. Did anyone see that? It was a neat little well-made movie. Another one is the Prestige - which was a little too weird and convoluted for me.

Something else I saw recently was Apocalypto. It was a let-down after the reviews built up the expectation of violence in the movie; I didn’t think it was violent at all. Its a pretty good action movie with a few meaningful themes, like overcoming fear, if anyone wants to see it.

I can say without a shadow of doubt in my mind that Black Christmas will be the best movie of the year followed closely by Rocky Balboa.

The Prestige!! Everything else sucked compared to that especially since Christian Bale was in it.

Seeing as how it’s almost the end of the year it’s pretty safe to make my final list now:

Clerks 2
Pirates of the Carribean 2
Curious George
Trailer Park Boys The Movie(probably the best out of the five)

Top five best movies from best to worst (don’t get your panties in a twist, they’re probably the ONLY ones I saw):

  1. Little Miss Sunshine
  2. Thank You For Smoking
  3. Snakes on a Plane
  4. Tenacious D: Pick of Destiny (I know, it’s not a GOOD movie, but it’s still great anyway)
  5. Pirates of the Carribean: 2 (I’m glad I saw it at college for a buck, because otherwise it would have been such a fucking ripoff)
