Tony Blair, WTF where you thinking?

Although I have no news article, it has just been announced that in the following year British PM Tony Blair, will attempt to pass a bill forcing college and university students to pay an additional £3000 ($4500) a year just a tad unfair no?

Out of sheer curiousity, when’s the next election and does he think he can win it?

May I think, and he probably will.

Is it just a feeling I’m getting, or is that guy a brainless idiot? :fungah:

…I think his recent dealings with Mr. Bush have rubbed on him. EXTRA negatively.

I doubt he’ll win. From what I know, his polls have been taking one hit after another.

I dunno, for all I’ve heard Blair’s popularity has dropped steadily ever since before the Iraq war.

Edit: Drat, SK came first.

Umm…There is no election for Prime Minister. The parliment decides one day if they want to keep him. That day could seriously be tomarow or another 20 years.

Er, actually you’re wrong. Parliamentary elections occur, and those determine the party in power. The party in power gets to put who they want in as PM. It’s not like the PM gets elected and can stay in power for 20 years despise the outcome of any other elections.

Now the big question:

Who’s a bigger idiot, Bush or Blair? It looks too close to call.

Originally posted by Weiila
Out of sheer curiousity, when’s the next election and does he think he can win it?

The next general election is in around 2006 :thud: AND… guess which person is planning on going to university in the UK next September? :wave: Yes, yours truly.

And, for the record, Blair’s majority is still pretty damned huge, the only other opposition he has is the Tory party (whom everyone despises even more than Blair’s barmy army) or the Liberal Democrats (whom no one takes seriously… yet).

Wow. He should definitly stop hanging around with bush, he appears to be catching the stupidity disease…

I feel sorry for all of you planning to go to college in britian, like neb.

Originally posted by Amerycinsycho
Umm…There is no election for Prime Minister. The parliment decides one day if they want to keep him. That day could seriously be tomarow or another 20 years.

Originally posted by Kagon

Er, actually you’re wrong. Parliamentary elections occur, and those determine the party in power. The party in power gets to put who they want in as PM. It’s not like the PM gets elected and can stay in power for 20 years despise the outcome of any other elections.

And parliamentary elections occur every 4-5 years, except in times of real or apprehended war. You may have confused the process for becoming Prime Minister with becoming a party leader, which only happens during party conventions, which happen whenever.

Originally posted by Cless Alvein
And parliamentary elections occur every 4-5 years, except in times of real or apprehended war. You may have confused the process for becoming Prime Minister with becoming a party leader, which only happens during party conventions, which happen whenever.

BAH! I didn’t pay enough attention in history.

The 4-5 year thing is more of when the next election has to occur by. Most parliamentary systems have some weird dealy (Vote of no confidence I think) that can force elections for Parliament to take place just a few weeks after the vote.

And, don’t just think that Blair is PM only because he’s his party’s leader. Parliamentary systems tend to have a crapload more parties that get elected to Parliament than a presidential system like the US does (we have, what, 4 total independent party people in Congress?). So, parliament systems tend to be a little more chatoic in that way, and governments tend to be made up more of collaborations between varying parties. Now, I don’t know Britain’s exact system, so there can obviously be some differences, but that’s the general idea behind parliamentary systems. I guess Blair’s party could just have an outright majority, so they wouldn’t have to put up with the dealing with other parties as much probably.

Tony blair is an idiot. Collage students already find it too expensive to attend collage and now he does this. BURN HIM!!!

Geez, it’s almost enough to make one hope for the Tories or Conservatives to get there act together. Which I’d probably be doing if I didn’t remember Margaret “Female Clone of Ronald Reagan” Thatcher.

But hey, with Labour/Liberals like <strike>Clinton</strike> Blair, who needs conservatives?

He probably has a reason. But I can’t see what that reason could be, and I doubt I am the only one.

The principle between parlimantary systems is that the executive branch derives from the legislative branch, and is bound to that. From that doesn’t follow that there will be more than two parties: That depends on the election system.

Remove the Presidential elections from the American system, and have the executive branch derive from the legislative and it’d be a parlimentary system.

I never realized how complicated britians government is.

My good British friend argues quite often that we Americans have the complicated system. shrug