those thingys under your user name......

how come there is a little thingy under my user name that says Mad duck?
the last time i checked i was not a duck. Or any fowl, aquatic or otherwise…

oops, i meant runaway dog.
Oh, now i get it.
you want to call me a dog!
sobs quietly in corner

It changes automatically as you post here, check this out for the list.

cool, by the by, i’m now a mad duck!
i think…

And this is sorta the wrong forum to post this in.

And if you don’t want to be a duck anymore, keep posting. And you will work your way up the list. Just don’t spam post.

Truth is, they think you are mad… And a duck… congradulations on your new title! :victoly:


Normally you can go to message board help and testing, but this forum isn’t just for FF talk. But I am surprised that this question is popping up…hasn’t anyone played and loved earthbound?! besides the ones that hate it, that is.


probably because It’s only one game

The titles are from Earthbound for those of you who haven’t played it (800-900 is Master Belch). :stuck_out_tongue:

Yay, I just graduated into a spiteful crow, I used to be a cute little ufo.

i think i’m still a mad duck, but i might be a cute lil ufo. at the langrisser bbs, i’m a llama

New Age Retro Hippie is by far the coolest title :cool: