This sucks.

I would of posted this yesterday but I was busy. Who thinks Japan should rearm and attack Iraq?

My kung fu betta dan your kung fu.

Yea, i heard about this too. It does suck.

I wonder why they even had troops there in the first place. I thought japans constitution forebids them from having an army?

From what I heard I think to mantain peace in non hostle areas…but I maybe wrong.

Here are some things about the SDF it’s long though.

Here are some things I added if it’s any help.

This is gonna not be good.

Someones gonna get their head taken off for this.

Fortunately, it looks like the hostages will be released:

That’s exactly what Japan shouldn’t do. The overriding motive for the guerrillas was the fact that Japan has a military presence in Iraq. There is absolutely no reason why Japan should be in Iraq in the first place - she didn’t become a party to this conflict until she chose to go in. Instead of sinking into this completely avoidable, senseless war even further, Japan should withdraw from Iraq.

This was on the news yesterday.
Japan shouldn’t rearm: They should leave Iraq alone; just like the majority of Iraqis want.

Kidnappers are dumb: Especially when the kidnap the employees of non-governmental organisations.
