The wierdest video game i own or a game for real Dead Heads

The strangest video game i own is undoubtedly Download 2 for P.C. Engine CD- This is a space shooter game where the final boss is the dismembered head of Hitler.and i won’t even give a description of the other warped and sickening looking bosses in this game- i will leave others who own this wierd game to let others know- here is what the cover of the game looks like- check out that menacing head of Hitler- i doubt Turbo Grafx 16 would ever have released this game here- Does anyone else on this board own this game? And what is your opinion of some of the other bosses in the game?

I still think the strangest bosses I’ve ever seen in a game was Konami’s <I>Sexy Parodius</I> (PSX, Saturn, both import only), like the Squirrell boss that you had to shoot in the ahem nuts.

The KKK boss for that Castlevania game made me trip when I first saw him.

What I wanna know is…does anyone really appreciate all these scans of boxes? I don’t, and they’ve gotten a bit played out. If one person really does appreciate them, I’ll stfu. But I just don’t see the need of entire topics with big old scans of boxes no one cares about, and then like 2 or 3 sentances of text about the game. If everyone attached scans of games they had questions about, this forum would be insane. If you wanna show off your collection, why don’t you scan it all, host it somewhere, and then give those interested the link to your collection in your sig. That would make a lot more sense than posting really inappropriate pictures over and over again.

I agree. Cool stuff man, I like your watch, but talking about stuff that most of us don’t know about and asking our opinions is just…weird. I know some people are enjoying it, but I’m scratching my head here.

Do you say anything ELSE? poke poke

Like the guy directly above you. Seriously, few of us have any idea of what you are talking about.

Off the top of my head, the weirdest boss I can remember was Myria (Tyr) in BoF1. When I saw the transformation I suddenly went “What the heck?!”.

Tyr is so cool. She’s the first boss I ever beat. And I did it without the big scary dragon guy. It took <i>hours</i>.

So did I, we talked about this before, but I was really surprised by the change. I mean, I was against a tiny brat that suddenly turns into that… I’m not sure what to call it.

Arkista’s Ring is probably the most obscure title I have. For the NES.

You haven’t played weird games until you’ve played the Goemon series. The boss of one of them is a cross dressing nun from the future, the boss of the first N64 one is a duo who wants to turn Japan into a stage for their weird ass musical…basically Konami makes the weirdest games ever.

Monster Parties, you fight an onion ring

I thought Gygas was pretty wierd.

That’s true, he was more than a little creepy…


At least the “innappropriate pics” i am posting are of video games and elicit some intelligent discussions-Why don’t you complain about posts concering _ i just got my drivers liscence or Boycott Best buy or some dude braggin he can kill god- these have nothing to do with video games and this is susposed to be a video game site- at least i am discussing video games- not sex , books, drivers licenses,“i don’t care how horny you are”- don’t pick on my legitmate video game posts- your time would be better spent to go after all the other crap on here-

I think of this place as a forum for intellectuals

Yeah, as someone who just got here you aren’t exactly able to tell people who have been here for years what we should or shouldn’t post. I’ve been here almost since the place opened, and we’ve always talked about a variety of subjects. Furthermore, that’s the main forum and this is the video game forum. Congratulations for posting in the right forum, but perhaps if you don’t like the subject matter of another forum you stay away from it. The Main forum is for non-video game related conversation, so obviously you won’t find any video game talk in there.

Next is that while I guess it’s kind of interesting (about box art and such), I really have to think that you judge things on a very low level. Who cares about whether or not the box art is good or not - in the end it doesn’t really matter. Especially when you don’t buy the game for the box art you buy it for the game. If the box art conveys the emotional feel of the game then it’s served it’s purpose - because that’s all the box art is really supposed to do, give you a very quick overview of what the game is about and what you do in it. If it does that, then it’s great. If it doesn’t, it’s at least worth picking up and reading the back about.

I honestly thought that this was commonly known and nobody actually had to mentionit. Kind of like cheeseburgers are hamburgers that have cheese on them. It’s not really a subject matter broad enough to warrent serious discussion.

Hitler’s a boss? what are the other bosses? scan them!

Hmm… suddenly I’m starting to doubt that Chrno Crusade is GGX2’s only inspiration for Bridget … But speaking of which, I have to say that Guilty Gear X2 is the weirdest game I own, simply because it contains Bridget, Zappa, Faust, I-No, and Dizzy (although those last two are a bit less-weird). :smiley:

The weirdest final boss I can think of is Mr. Gameshow host of Super Smash TV. I know it’s a shooting game but a gameshow host on a tank? That’s just weird.

How about just keeping all the box art talk in one thread instead of making a new one for each game.

I have a game called Download for PC Engine. I wonder if it’s the prequal for your Download 2.