Metal Gear Solid, the first one, is the best thing to have ever happened. Ever. I don’t know what brought this on, but I felt like I needed to get it out.
And fuck you, PsychoMantis isn’t dead.
He looked pretty dead to me.
Twin Snakes wasn’t half-bad.
No shit, Sherlock >_>
(lol PS3 MGS4 trailer)
That’s because he controlled your mind, Cid, duh! He wants you guys to think that. He let me know the truth because he and I are in LOVE!
Oh, and I thought this deserved general-forum-hood since I’m not saying it’s the greatest videogame ever, but the greatest THING ever, so my apologies for putting it in the wrong place.
I prefer Final Fantasy Tactics!
That’s why you’re going to gell, you treacherous son of a bitch.
I’m gellin’.
Are you?
Like Kideo Kojellin’.
Or Psycho Mantis, who is most probably a felon.
FFT beats MGS any day. Now shut up and have some melon.
Snake doesn’t need a job class to kick ass.
Snake did the first pwnage in history. Camped near the apple tree
It’s good to see one of the faithful, here.
Bahamut, you can rot in hell with Lanyx. Maybe you two would like to make out with your sissy-boys tactics games in a corner of eternal torment.
Hey, the second ‘rot in hell’ never got changed to gell.
Okay, I really don’t care, but this thread needed to be bumped for God (Solid Snake) and country (Solid Snake-ia).
No, no Arac. Kojima = God and Snake = Jesus. …Country name should be Outer Heaven, goddammit
Try saying that to all of NIS’s fanbase. Go on, I dare you.
He can’t, because those of us who completed any NIS game have already rolled ALL OVER eternal torment.
Amen to that brother. I have Baal’s head on a stick.