The Sephir: Craziness To The Max!!! Characters.

This is the cast for my new story The Sephir: Craziness To The Max!!! If ya want to be in it let me know.

Azrael: A wandering idiot hermit with some kind of hentai obsession, at heart though many people think he’s a good guy… but he’s still an idiot.

Simon: A crazy idiot who wanders around with Azrael and Matthew, has an obsession with smelling blocks of cheese.

Matthew: The more sensible of the three, but don’t be fooled; he’s still an idiot hermit.

Cloud: After FF7 Cloud became depressed due to the fact Tifa became a lesbian, he soon after took to the bottle and became the fat chocobo at Gold Saucer.

Charlemagne: Appears with Robocop to hunt down dinosaurs, Charl is quite blatantly insane and has a large udder fixation

Robocop: Charle’s lackey and dinosaur killer extroadinaire.

More to come!

You could always stick in my dominatrix avatar if you want… ^^;;

Weiila: A wandering dominitrix fairy with a soft spot for writing. Seems to know a lot more about what’s going on than anyone else. Deadly with a whip, deadlier with a pen.

Tifa’s a lesbian? I WANNA BE IN THIS STORY!

Could you put me in? I don’t care what I’d be.

Heeere you little beasties…! COME HERE YOU LITTLE BASTARDS! insane laughter

… she scares me…

Saph, gimme somethin’ to go with huh?

Val: I’m unsure what to do with you, soooo I’ll do this and then if you want tell me and I’ll modify it…

Val: The main reason of Clouds depression, due to her femenine wyles she coersed Tifa into Lesbianism, is a generally cool person and always relishes kicking Clouds ass.

Come on people, I need RPGCers.

Aww, sweet1 I converted Tifa!

Umm, just as a side note, I take pleasure in kicking almost ANYONE’s ass. Except Tifa’s. Or Yuffie’s. Or Elena’s. basically, any hot girl’s ass, I don’t want to kick. I want to convert. :slight_smile:

I know, but you like kicking Clouds to rub it in as it were.

“I got your girl and I can kick your ass.”

Saphire Falcon: A hyperactive sugar addict who’s always seemingly high. Weiila’s pet scribe. Many people believe Saph to be a brainded hyperactive retard…and you know what? They’re right.

BTW I don’t feel what I write in here about anybody so don’t take offence, it’s just for comedic purposes.

Don’t hate me Saph, I think you’re pretty cool.

Mind if I try and join?

Not at all.

THanks… what do I need to do?

Anyone who wants to participate has two options.

  1. Write your own bio
  2. Leave my insane imagination to itself.

And if you want to see how insane I am, look at Saph.

Hmmm… how about I make a few comments on my self, and let you weave a tapestry of insanity.

A gun-weidling thief, greedy and cynical, and also quite evil when something is in my way.

PC: Was once a great male stripper known as “Bang-Bang Glenton”. But since the chippendale business broke down he turned to crime. Wielding guns and not-so-sane mind “Bang-Bang” Glenton is one of the most dangerous bandits out there.

Heh… at least I know I was popular with the ladies. (j/k)

Did I not say I was insane?
BTW PC I think I just got you a new nickname.

Originally posted by Sephiroth Hayes
PC: Was once a great male stripper known as “Bang-Bang Glenton”. But since the chippendale business broke down he turned to crime. Wielding guns and not-so-sane mind “Bang-Bang” Glenton is one of the most dangerous bandits out there.

Bang-Bang Glenton. Dear God, that actually brings A tear to my eye, it’s so beautiful.

Oh, and can I be trying to kill Bang-Bang in the story? i wanna kill him very dead.

Thank you so much Val, you made my day. You try, but you get continuously mobbed by rabid Glenton fangirls.