That, or Gunbound just made a reappearance.
If you haven’t noticed, a lot of people have recently started playing GB again. Eden, Kor, ClessAlvein, Me, Epicgamer, Shinobi, Yoshmeister, Devillion, Nulani, Starstorm, and also a few others (Shinobi’s brother, and some others)
Yes, it’s cute. Yes, it’s by Koreans. Yes, it’s very addictive.
It’s kinda like the original Scorched Earth meets Worms meets RO.
Steve, I so outrank you now, but I got scammed like twice so u got better stuff :=( , granted im not the best, but there are people who are worse coughGamer5389Cough.
I should warn you, I haven’t been doing particularly well lately.
has just signed up as ChrisBrood
Edit:Is not gunna be able to go on it because GoZilla screwed up the download
Warning: Do not sacrifice your teammate for the “good of the team”
I’ve beaten a few wands lately.
I play Gunbound too!
Name: NightbladeRP
Originally posted by Xelopheris
I’ve beaten a few wands lately.
It doesn’t really matter what kind of ranking they have, they could have played from day one and sucked pretty bad, but still get to wand.
Originally posted by yoshmeister
Steve, I so outrank you now, but I got scammed like twice so u got better stuff :=( , granted im not the best, but there are people who are worse coughGamer5389Cough.
You have to be pretty retarded to get scammed. Seriously.
Yeah, never trade kids, ever.
What was the first reckoning?
When GB was first big.
So, who is going to make an RPGClassics guild?, and what exactly are the benefits of joining a guild?
Lunaris will probably forma guild once he makes Silver Axe.
FFun times in Gunbound:
In my last game, it was down to the WIRE.
And I mean then next shot is life or death. If you don’t make it, you lose. Period.
Well it was my shot. Now, I was using the Lovebot, and it’s not particularly hard to do damage with one: as long as you put the tracer close by, you’re guaranteed about 75 damage.
Now I was shooting for the win. The shot wasn’t particularly hard, and if I hit, my team would have won. What happens? I undershoot.
I still hit. My second tracer ht just fine. But it didn’t kill the enemy. HE HAD NOT EVEN A HAIR’S WIDTH OF LIFE LEFT. IJust a few more points would have won the game.
But no. It didnt’ turn out like that. NExt shot, we lost the game. THAT BITES.
Still, ti was fun.
Edit: Another fun experience. I never though I’d see it. I’m compying the transcript from the caht.
[05:29:53] [StarStorm_the_Spazzy_Fuzzball] god that was so fucking funny
[05:30:02] [Pierson] What was?
[05:30:04] [StarStorm_the_Spazzy_Fuzzball] Was playing Gunbound after Weiila got off for her driving lesson
[05:30:13] [StarStorm_the_Spazzy_Fuzzball] And my last game we go tthis real asshole
[05:30:28] [StarStorm_the_Spazzy_Fuzzball] The game creator was having a pretty bad day.
[05:30:37] [StarStorm_the_Spazzy_Fuzzball] He kept hitting himself and he killed himself twice.
[05:30:42] [Pierson] heh.
[05:30:47] [DT|metaphysics] lol
[05:30:52] [StarStorm_the_Spazzy_Fuzzball] Now, he’s a double-edged axe, so he’s pretty high up.
[05:31:13] [StarStorm_the_Spazzy_Fuzzball] But it was just… man.
[05:31:19] [StarStorm_the_Spazzy_Fuzzball] He was doing horribly.
[05:31:45] [StarStorm_the_Spazzy_Fuzzball] After the seond suicide, which I can’t blame him for, since he really had no shot, and he would have been dead soon anywa.ys So why not go for it?
[05:32:00] [StarStorm_the_Spazzy_Fuzzball] But the ass was oging on about him being a newb and just genral assholish behavior.
[05:32:15] [StarStorm_the_Spazzy_Fuzzball] Finally, he respawns and starts kicking the shit out of the ass.
[05:32:24] [StarStorm_the_Spazzy_Fuzzball] Mind you, the asshold was on HIS OWN TEAM.
[05:32:36] [Pierson] lol!
[05:32:40] [StarStorm_the_Spazzy_Fuzzball] It must have cost him hell in GP and Gold, but it was funny to watch.
[05:32:51] [StarStorm_the_Spazzy_Fuzzball] Must have been satisfying too. Henever did kill him though.
[05:33:02] [StarStorm_the_Spazzy_Fuzzball] I ended the game by killing another guy.
[05:33:08] [StarStorm_the_Spazzy_Fuzzball] I can’t blame him in the slightest
I’m still as good as I was. Not that, that was very good.
Eh, I don’t see the point of a guild.
And I think the ‘second reckoning’ is a bit strong… it’s just a game O.o;
It shouldn’t matter how good you are, aslong as you can have some fun.
Originally posted by Steve
Warning: Do not sacrifice your teammate for the “good of the team”
Damn right you slutbag >:(
I’ve not stopped playing really, created a second account.
Rank: Metal Axe
Items: Magician Hair, Heavy Armour, Green Goggles, Golden Hammer.
And can someone explain the new avvie system?
Originally posted by Shinobi
Damn right you slutbag >:(
I should explain the hostility.
I bunged Eden (Enemy at the time) and Shin (Teammate at the time) on the first round with a dual shot from the dragon. Needless to say, we lost because Shin kept hitting me after that >.>;;