The Naar Saga

Originally posted by Lord Zhou Yu


And besides, I have two other story arcs that are nearly finished. Wilfredo Martinez and the hero from QFG are still trapped in KQ2VGA (which ties into this somehow), and Galloway, Alternate Galloway, and Pooh are nearly finished with their training. Throw in this big battle and all of the game characters and RPGC people that were captured, and you have one hell of a challenge for me.

And I forgot Sub-Zero. Crap. Well, it isn’t the first time (I forgot Poke at the end of Mox Saga.) I edited him back in. Sorry.

scribbling with a quill Sorry, just doing homework. Very Cynamatik, Galloway.

Whee! I got to defeat someone! :smiley: Take the time you need, Galloway :slight_smile:

The Naar Saga part 54: Destiny Stalled
By d_Galloway

Wil, the hero, and Graham made their way to the bridge, where the Door of Destiny awaited them. Wil and the hero made their way across first, but both tripped on something and got knocked out. Shrugging, Graham began to cross, but when he was a little more than halfway across, the board beneath him snapped in half, trapping his leg.

Just then, the dwarf from before appeared. “Sir,” said Graham, “could you- wait a minute! I know you! You’re that thieving pest from Daventry, aren’t you?”

“Why, yes,” said the Dwarf, “and how kind of you to recognize me. You know, I was prepared to settle down for dinner after a hard day of work…”

“Mugging, you mean.”

“…and not only was my soup gone, but my gold, too!”

“Are you saying that either were yours to begin with?”

“Shut up!” The Dwarf pulled out his small knife and walked to one of the ropes on his side. “I already had a go at the other side. And if you could grab the remaining parts of the bridge, I’d doubt that it’d support your dangling weight. Now, throw over those lovely gems of yours!”

Thinking quickly, Graham grabbed the gems, wrapped and tied them inside a soiled handkercheif, and threw them to the opposite side of the Dwarf.

“No, you fool!” screamed the Dwarf.

“Now if you want the gems,” said Graham, “you’d better help me!”

The Dwarf paced nervously, wondering what to do next. Graham felt that he had called the bluff correctly, but then noticed the fraying ropes at the other side. The Dwarf really HAD taken a go at them!

“Well,” said Graham, “will you help me or not?”

The Dwarf looked victorious. “I might as well let you fall, then get those gems by myself!”

“By which time the bridge will have fallen. You’ve done a good job on the ropes over there.”

Once again, the Dwarf paniced. Finally, he tossed Graham the knife. Thinking quickly, Graham cut the rope in front of him. The bridge split in half, with Graham dangling on the opposite side. The bridge’s remains slammed hard into the cliff wall, sending pain through all of Graham’s body, but he was still able to climb up and reclaim the gems. Of course, he would need to find another way back now.

“You could have at least given me the knife back,” said the Dwarf. Graham obliged by throwing it into the pit. The Dwarf screamed in frustration, then ran off.

“Serves you right for stealing from Daventry’s Magic Chest.”

The three went to the Door of Destiny and inserted the Gems. The door rumbled back into its face again, said a boring speech, then revealed a doorway leading to nowhere. Thinking about the woman he sought to rescue, Graham grabbed the others and dragged them through the blackness.

They came back through, but not where Graham had originally wanted. Instead, they were inside a black castle, one that the troop of heroes recognized easily: Naar’s Castle.

Galloway: Next time…the fight continues!

Sweeet, Gallo :slight_smile:

looks through field glasses Hey! I can almost see the end!

The Naar Saga part 55: Final Assault (part 2)

The Eternal Champion waited patiently for Mabat, Zero, and X-Hunter to arrive, then had everyone enter a combat stance (except for Kari, who was scooting away as they prepared). Mox and the Dark Champion stood there, watching to see what would happen.

Finally, they attacked.

RAX struck first, nailing the Dark Champion with a Jet Kick, followed by a Toe Pounder. Next came Zero, slicing at one of the Dark Champion’s energy arms. X-Hunter stood back and shoot a few rounds into the being. The three broke off, just as Dawson delivered a Wheel Kick, a Goldrusher, and a Belt Whip. Xavier teleported in and let loose with a massive series of staff attacks, followed by a slide kick. Mabat followed Kari, as was the original plan.

Finally, the Eternal Champion charged forward and sent the Dark Champion flying into a nearby building with a powerful uppercut. It seemed like victory was theirs. Then the Dark Champion emerged from the rubble, completely unfazed.

Jumping back into the battle, they continued their struggle. Meanwhile, Sub-Zero followed Mabat and Kari, as was the plan. Mox, however, saw what was happening, and decided that he would have to hurry things up himself, once the Dark Champion had had his fun.

The struggle soon took its tool on the human fighters. Seeing his chance, the Dark Champion delivered a heavy punch straight to Dawson’s face, sending him toppling backwards. He then kneed and threw Xavier into the shore where Blade was still hiding. Finally, he turned to RAX.

The cyborg, however, had spent his time powering up for a massive attack. When the Dark Champion finally prepared to defeat him, he fired a huge Overload shot straight at the being. It exploded on impact, causing an enormous flash of light and an incredible force of wind. When it died down, though, the Dark Champion was still there, and still unfazed. RAX, unable to recomposate for the amount of energy he had just used up, stumbled and fell onto the shore.

Dawson struggled to keep fighting, but Mox moved in behind him and knocked him unconcious with one strong blow to the head. Zero turned to attack Mox, but the evil mage responded by ripping one of the reploid’s arms straight off; it was, in fact, the sword arm. He then beat him down with his own arm.

X-Hunter charged up another shot and fired, but the attack did nothing to Mox. Instead, he walked calmly forward and threw the reploid into the water. He somehow made his way to shore, but collapsed. Blade, meanwhile, was enjoying his new-found company.

The Eternal Champion continued his attack, while Chris followed the others, as was part of the plan. The two Champions seemed undefeatable, as they were both nothing more than pure energy. However, Mox could easily turn the tide.

Fortunately, a heavy, armored hand clasped down on Mox’s shoulder, as a heavy, hate-filled voice filled the air. “Father, I have come to destroy you!”

Mox turned…and saw his son, Falchin.

Weiila: What’s the plan?
Galloway: I’m not telling yet.

All do the Gallo dance now! Yes, that includes warlocks and last bosses too!

does the gallo dance!

The Naar Saga part 56: Naar’s Evil
By d_Galloway

Mabat, Sub-Zero, Chris, and Kari continued their mad dash. Eventually, they reached their very destination: the strange pad with the sign that read, “Teleporter to Naar’s Castle Front Gate.” Sighing at the stupidity of this, they stepped on.

The front gate was much more omnimous than before; a set of black steel double doors greeted them. Slowly, they opened by themselves, revealing a barely-lit passageway into the castle. Preparing for the worst, they entered the very center of this evil.

No sooner had they entered when the doors slowly closed. The moment they were shut, a heavy steel bar fell over the back of the doors, sealing them completely. The small group of heroes continued their amazing adventure into Naar’s evil castle of doom.

Instead of the robotic guards from before, there were large, armored soldiers. They wore what resembled some kind of padded armor, as well as black steel helmets and masks that depicted a monster’s open, fanged face. They carried weapons that ranged from scimitars and spears to maces and axes. They simply walked back and forth, as all guards do, and thus were easy to dodge.

Finally, they reached what resembled a large library. Books, tomes, scrolls, papers, texts, and various other written stuff was stacked on towering shelves inside, indicating that Naar really liked to read about stuff. He even had a few newspaper articles, although they all dealt with disease, death, and Pokemon movies. However, a very large book sat open on a table, with a quill and ink well sitting nearby. They all went to examine it, and found that it was nothing more than a diary.

However, they couldn’t resist the urge to peek into other people’s lives, so they leafed through. It spoke of the terrible evils Naar had committed, such as the creation of Linux, the existance of Pokemon, and the birth of always-angry mobs of people. However, besides that, there was nothing of interest, so they turned to leave.

Kari, however, was still glued on one section of the book. At first, everyone just waited on her, then got angry at her, then went back to waiting, then shouting, then fighting the guards that showed up because they were shouting, then back to waiting. Finally, she stopped reading and turned back to the others. She walked quietly away, as if distraught over something.

Curious, they went to look at what she was reading. It said:

“Caught two kids today. This world seems to be full of the little brats. Anyway, they had two very wierd creatures with them; I’ll keep them inside the dungeon until further notice. As for the kids, I think I’ll try something new. I remember that “de-aging” weapon Mox had developed prior to his defeat at the Black Pentagram (see Mox Saga). I know of a way to use my power to replicate its effects, only on a much higher scale. However, I’d better test it lightly first; I don’t want another ‘Pokemon’ issue on my hands. I’ll set the kids back about four years, lock them in a dog carrier, and ship them off to a dungeon somewhere until I’m fully able to measure the effects of this.”

It was dated the day before Galloway had led them to the dungeon in the God-forsaken hell hole called North Dakota where they had found Kari and T.K. Feeling disgusted by this, they walked away from the book and followed Kari.

Next time: Even more battle!

Originally posted by d Galloway

However, they couldn’t resist the urge to peek into other people’s lives, so they leafed through. It spoke of the terrible evils Naar had committed, such as <b>the creation of Linux</b>, the existance of Pokemon, and the birth of always-angry mobs of people. However, besides that, there was nothing of interest, so they turned to leave.


:o :slight_smile: You r0xors, Galloway :slight_smile:

Much more battles now. i like. Write more whenever you can!:smiley:

The Naar Saga part 57: Final Assault (part 3)
By d_Galloway

Mox and Falchin stared at each other for a few minutes, while the two Champions continued to fight it out with each other. Finally, Mox pulled free from his son’s grasp and attacked, but was backhanded toward the same shore that Blade was still hiding on. However, he caught onto the railing and flipped right back in front of Falchin and uppercutted his son. He then launched a massive energy beam at his target.

When Falchin came slamming back to the ground, he was burnt and beaten, but still refusing to quit. “Father,” he said, “I won’t lose to you!”

“Tsk, tsk,” tsked Mox, “how naively stupid of you. Did you really think that armor was a source of power? No, it was a curse on me from Naar. He wanted to keep my powers in check, so he sealed a good deal of them into that armor. Now that I’m free, though, everything has returned to me. I am completely unstoppable!”

Falchin sighed. “While you were talking, I figured out something about the armor. It still has some of your power! I can still win!” Suddenly, the entire armor changed from black to a glowing golden color. Mox looked blankly at the light show, then prepared for the next series of attacks.

Galloway, the Female Galloway, and Pooh finished the rushed training, then departed with Lone Wolf for the recently-recovered-and-dramatically-improved Flying Bunker, which would take them to Mox.

After boarding, Lone Wolf handed Galloway a small backpack. Inside he found a couple Senzu Beans, some Fireseeds, a Mirror, a Sack of Silver, and a strange Materia.

“Use this,” Lone Wolf said, pointing at the Materia, “when you encounter Naar, and only then. Well, I’m off!” He then dissapeared as the Bunker closed up and lifted off on its own.

Falchin raised his hands and channeled massive amounts of power above his heads. He formed it into a ball of pure spiky energy, then threw it straight at Mox. To his surprise, though, Mox batted the attack straight back, but the armor reabsorbed it into its power.

Mox charged forward, and Falchin responded with a series of punches and kicks. The attacks actually hit their marks for once, and Mox was soon knocked back, creating a crater into the street. However, the evil mage simply stood back up, with only a couple small bruises to show for Falchin’s efforts.

“Son,” said Mox, “you cannot win. Your efforts are failures. No matter how much power you think you have gained, it will never be enough to destroy me. Go home, and wait for Naar to come and destroy it.”

Falchin, however, had one hope left. Channelling everything he and the armor had, he prepared a massive amount of power for one final blast. He still had enough energy to survive, but if this didn’t work, then he would be fair game for Mox.

Finally, he launched the attack. Mox’s grin turned to sheer shock at what was happening. The blast connected head-on, creating an enormous flash, a small earthquake, and an increase in sunglass sales. Even the two groups inside Naar’s castle had to shield their eyes from the flash.

When it dissipitated, a massive screen of smoke was where Mox was standing. It seemed like Falchin had done it. Mox was dead…

Then the smoke blew away…and revealed a smiling Mox, with only a few ashes to be found on him. Falchin had given it his all, but even that wasn’t enough. Laughing evily, Mox charged Falchin and lifted his son by the throat, before tossing him unceremoniously into the debris.

“Son,” said Mox, “the time for talk is over. Prepare to die.”

Galloway: And next time…
Galloway: You took the damn space up. A pox on thee.

wow… that was good… cool fight scene… can’t wait for the next part.

*jumps up and down for about an hour:D *

“A pox on both thy houses!”
Yeah… what he said…

Nooo! Not a pox, not the pox!! :runaway:

Good chapter, Gallo, nice fighting scene :slight_smile:

The Naar Saga part 58: Final Assault (part 4)
By d_Galloway

Eternal and the Dark Champion continued to fight, which neither side gaining any ground. Since they were both made out of pure energy, they never got tired, and their strengths were equal, so there was no real end in sight.

Finally, the Dark Champion began to phase in and out of existance, making it impossible to land a blow. Eternal, however, did the exact same thing. Finally, the two stopped and went back to regular punches, kicks, and special moves. Mox, meanwhile, turned his attention away from his son and surveyed the battle site.

At that point, he realized that there was one important thing missing. Galloway’s body wasn’t here. Pissed beyond reason, he swung out behind him, inadvertantly hitting the Eternal Champion in the side of the head. The Dark Champion immediately used a series of punches and kicks to knock down the Eternal Champion. He then stood on his chest, making sure that he wouldn’t get back up this time.

“Wait,” said Mox. “I want to make sure Galloway shows up first. Let’s see how he reacts.” While he was saying this, Falchin pulled himself out of the rubble, a very weakened but still pissed armored being. However, Mox saw him and threw him again, this time towards the shore. However, the weight of the armor ruined Mox’s accuracy, and Falchin landed a few feet short of the railing.

The Bunker phased out of lightspeed by Naar’s castle. The three grabbed their stuff and disembarked. Like always, Galloway broke the groups up; the female Galloway would meet with whoever might be inside the castle, while the male Galloway and Pooh would go down and deal with Mox.

Grabbing Pooh, Galloway flew away before his female counterpart could argue.

Mox tossed a small rock around in his hand. Falchin was still where he landed, barely moving. The Dark Champion still had the Eternal Champion at his mercy. And many were lying on the shore with Blade, who was busy entertaining himself with building sandcastles.

Finally, Mox got tired of waiting and walked over to the barely-concious Weiila. “I guess I’ll have to deal with you first,” he said, just as he reached to snap her neck.

Suddenly, a voice shouted up from behind him. “Leave her alone.”

Mox, recognizing the voice, turned to see his prey had finally arrived. Galloway had come, along with a stupid-looking yellow bear with a honey pot. Mox’s evil smile crossed his lips yet again.

“Finally,” he said. “Dark! Leave the Eternal Champion alone and see what you make of this guy!”

The Dark Champion kicked over the recovering Eternal Champion and approached Galloway. “This guy’s pathetic! I’ll deal with him in no time flat!” He then charged forward.

What happened next was unbelievable. Galloway grabbed the Dark Champion’s shirt and delivered a massive blow to the chest, followed by several to the head, arms, and same spot on the chest, in about one second. And to finish it off, he tossed the Dark Champion into the air and fired a Gallo-Beam, blowing the evil being apart.

The Eternal Champion looked onward in shock. Falchin looked onward in shock, as well. Mox simply grinned. “My worth competition has arrived. Ready to finish this?”

Galloway entered his combat stance. “Always.”

Galloway: Only a bit longer until Mox goes down. Who will win?

Okay, bet time again! Who will defeat Mox?

  1. Galloway
    Pros: Main character, decent fighter.
    Cons: Really short, has killed too many people already.

  2. Weiila
    Pros: Secondary main character, good healer.
    Cons: Limited combat ability, has had the shit beaten out of her.

  3. Falchin
    Pros: Pretty powerful, has access to strong magic.
    Cons: Is near death, is no match for Mox.

  4. Eternal Champion
    Pros: A god, a combination of the souls of dead warriors.
    Cons: No match for Dark Champion, limited moves without magic windows.

  5. Pooh
    Pros: Is cute, likes honey.
    Cons: HE’S POOH, DAMNIT!

  6. Blade
    Pros: Has blades, is still alive.
    Cons: Works for Mox, got beat up by a girl.

  7. The others
    Pros: There are many of them.
    Cons: They’re either knocked out, in the castle, or crippled.

Place your bets, folks! Place your bets!

Oh man… I have a bad feeling, and if it comes true I swear I’ll commit seppuku. And you WOULD, Gallo, I KNOW YOU WOULD!!

Magus: Heck, now she’s starting to sound like me…

I don’t think I’ll bet… ^_^;;

Very nice battle sences. You’re way better then me at them.

The Naar Saga part 59: War
By d_Galloway

Colin, Drew, Ryan, and the combined armies of Balding Men and Cleveland marched through the portal into the same world everyone else was in. Colin and Drew dismounted their horses, while Ryan stepped off his donkey, and everyone else set up camp in the blink of an eye.

Weapons were rationed off, supplies were given, and everyone was equipped for the massive battle that loomed ahead. They didn’t have to wait long, though; Naar’s army soon appeared in the streets and buildings, ready to take on their enemy.

A tense moment filled the air. Finally, Colin raised the banner of Balding Men and shouted, “Give me liberty, or a Bran Muffin!” The forces of good charged to meet the forces of evil.

The shining glare from the balding men blinding the first row of enemy soldiers, giving the infantry enough time to break a pathway through. The second row, which consisted of many Vordaks and Helghasts, moved in now. The Vordaks fell, but the Helghasts were immune to everything the army threw at them. Colin, though, had an idea. Grabbing a bag of hand gernades, he charged through the lines, shoving them into the Helghasts’ mouths. Finally, he stood back as the creatures exploded into tiny, bloody pieces.

The remainder of the battle consisted solely of street-to-street combat. Naar’s minions charged from every direction, while the balding men played the defensive. Bloodshed filled every single millimeter of the city. In fact, a couple corpses even landed on Galloway and Mox, while they were still doing there stand-off. The just threw them onto the shore, where they fell on top of Blade.

Nearly a half-hour later, the battle had only begun. The balding men had suffered great casualties, but so had Naar. However, this war was far from over.

The female Galloway cursed her luck as she wandered through Naar’s dungeon. The entire place was like a graveyard, from the dark atmosphere to the many graves lying around. Finally, she reached what seemed like a dead end. Sighing, she leaned against the wall, only to have it collapse behind her.

Another long passage had been found, leading deep into the bowels of the castle. Picking herself up, she continued down, following what seemed to be the screams of many tortured people.

Finally, she found where the noise was coming from. A lake made entirely out of lave and fire was inside, with what appeared to be several wraith-like beings moving around in agony inside. She then realized what this was: the Nengud-kor-Adez, or the Lake of Blood, a place of sheer misery that was feed from the pain of those captured within. It was the power source of Naar’s power and ambition.

Suddenly, a small cage lowered from the ceiling. Inside was a big gerbil-like thing with wings and a pale, odd-looking cat. At a control tower was a big guy with a speargun for an arm. He stopped the cage and looked at the female Galloway.

“Well, what do you know,” he said, stepping down from the controls. “I was going to have to settle with these kid’s pets, but I get to kill you as well.”

Galloway: If you don’t know who this guy is, read the beginning chapters of the fic. You’ll find out quickly.