The movie tragedy thread

i laughed in Legend’s of the Fall, when Tristin(Bratt Pid) went nuts and started scalping the germans. And when he beat the shit out of the cop who shot his wife.

Mine is only because of something a friend did and told me about later.

In the Matrix Revolutions, [spoiler]we all know about the APCs (at least, that’s what I remember them being called).

We all remember the scene where the head-honcho commander guy attempts to stop a stream of Sentinels with his chin, as he lies broken and bleeding in his toppled APC, he tells the New Guy that he must take the APC and open the gate so the Nebuchadnezzar can come through.

“But-but…I never finished the training program!” stutters New Guy.

“…Neither did I.”

At which point my friend stood up and yelled:


He was escorted from the theater.

I thought it was “ass to ass”? whatever, no real difference… That part always kind of disturbed me. Not that i’m bothered by that imagry, it’s just how everything led up to that, and it was a big dramatic climax. heheheh… climax.

AHAHAHAHA. That is hilarious! I’d love to be in a theatre when someone did something like that.

It was also funny how she was hugging the big bag of heroin afterwords

But yeah, everything in that move just kept getting worse and worse, and it was such a gradual change it almost seemed normal that they were driving such a long way to get a fix.

Kraken: I’d love to go to the movies with your friend sometime

In the Matrix Revolutions, when Trinity is dying, I got really sad…and then I realized that at least 2 minutes must have passed while those three or four tentacles were sticking through her body. I might have thought shock would’ve kept her alive or something but…geez.

Yeah, yeah, Titanic of course.

I was idiotic enough to see it a second time in the theater, this time with five male friends from college. When the ending credits rolled, two of them were crying like babies, two were slightly misty-eyed, and the fifth and I sat there giggling and asking each other “So… are we supposed to wait for them to get their shit together before we leave? GOD. This is so lame. Suky suky five dollah.” (I don’t know why we were saying the suky suky part, I guess it’s just being weird)

Kraken, I like your friend. I thought the same thing at that part.

Damn. I thought of another one.

Return of the King. Remember? At Minas Tirith? Running all the way to the end of the giant parapet and then jumping off, all while ON FIRE?! I just barely contained my laughter at that one.

Nevermind, you should change your title’s thread to something less misleading you 'tard :P.

Me??? How was it misleading???


I always laughed when Frodo gets stung be Shelob… for a moment, from the camera angle and the face he makes, it looks like he got drilled in the ass.

mandatory “Haha, you look gay!” post :stuck_out_tongue:


'Nuff said.

There are people who take the festering pile of shit known as Requiem for a Dream seriously? That has to be the wosrt movie I’ve ever seen, bar none.

Any tragic scene in any supposedly tragic movie. I leave my crying to documentaries.

Dammit Kraken, you keep bringing up things I forget. My brother and I thought the same thing about that part in Return of the King! It was a rough moment in the theater…

Man, they don’t make gundams that look THAT gay, foo! :suckah: