The mail bag

Votes for charle

Vote all you want. Your votes will do nothing. The 984 has spoken.

THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN! And by people I mean that one guy.

DIE, 984, DIE.

To quote Kagon’s sig, which is quoting me, which was me semi-quoting the Simpsons,

Lawyer: But what about that tattoo on your chest? Doesn’t it say, “Die 984, Die?”
Kagon: [conciliatorily] No, that’s German for “The 984, The.”
Officer: No one who speaks German could be an evil man.

Yes, but just because the person speaking German isn’t bad, doesn’t mean the subject of the quote isn’t either. :stuck_out_tongue:

I can wait, unlike some impatient, uncooperating people here. ;;>.>

(*$ fixed the vote. =o