The killographic content present in videogames is simply stuponfucious

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…thereby providing makers of violent videogames with innovative new means of marketing their products.


What’s next? Killtastic? Killorific? Killtacular? The possibilities are limitless.


Son of a bitch - beat me to it =p

It’s silly that the whole article seemed to be about introducing the magicalness of a new word. Tee hee. Clever indeed.

They should make a FPS where you shake hands with bad guys to make them not bad anymore, and at the end of the level you all go out for a beer. I would buy that game.

Originally posted by BlueMageOne
They should make a FPS where you shake hands with bad guys to make them not bad anymore, and at the end of the level you all go out for a beer. I would buy that game.


Originally posted by BlueMageOne
They should make a FPS where you shake hands with bad guys to make them not bad anymore, and at the end of the level you all go out for a beer. I would buy that game.

You tried that in counter-strike.

Originally posted by BlueMageOne
They should make a FPS where you shake hands with bad guys to make them not bad anymore, and at the end of the level you all go out for a beer. I would buy that game.

I’ll take one. :stuck_out_tongue: And because I suck at FPS, I’ll be the one stuck being the designated driver! (To clarify, I’d SUCK at shaking hands with people, and they wouldn’t let me have a drink. Cuz they don’t like me. Yeah.) :mwahaha:

enters “Killographic” into her vocabulary of overused funny things

Coming from an organiztion that I cannot POSSIBLY take seriously… it’s even funnier! Thanks TD!

This is why English is such a fun language: it’s so easy to make up words!

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimbal in the wabe
All mimsy were the borogoves
And the mome raths outgrabe.

Nice quote, Cid

Nice article, TD

Heh. Gotta love the Jabberwock.

Scratch my previous comment though. I don’t know wnough about NIMF to know if I cna take it seriously (Although it sounds like I shouldn’t.) That’s the AFA.


Happens all the time.

I myself have made up a couple. Not half as many as the tabloids make up every day though.

I ferget who came up with “awesomer” and “awesomest.” I think it mighta been me …