The EU

I may be a bit out in the blue, but could someone tell me what the heck would the EU do with a president? Absolutely nothing, in my opinion. The countries are there to represent themselves and the EU, who would the single president represent? The EU? His/her own country? His/Her country’s or the EU’s matters?

(I’m haven’t been much into politics… just recently, interest has sparked up)

I think things should be organized like a federation, with each country electing the members of some sort of central council.

Yep, that’s what we’re doing now. My town voted over a politician no-one liked here over to Bryssel so that we wouldn’t have to worry about him messing things up over here at least ^^;;

There’s also another issue going on in the EU. Turkey wants to become a member of it, but the EU members are skeptical because if Turkey joins, countries in the Middle East may start getting interested, and that wouldn’t help the value of the Euro in some cases.

I think the Euro was introduced way too early… The ecomomies (and prices, most of all) of the different coutries should have been brought closer together first. Prices vary quite a bit right now, which is very annoying for people who travel. Of course, that was to be expected and will eventually change.

Oh, and I was in Germany a while ago; everyone said that things HAVE become more expensive.

All in all, I’m not as negative to the EU as I used to be (especially back when we joined…), but I still think that it’s moving too fast.

Making one country out of it is a very bad idea at this point.

Originally posted by Weiila
Yep, that’s what we’re doing now. My town voted over a politician no-one liked here over to Bryssel so that we wouldn’t have to worry about him messing things up over here at least ^^;;

Heh. The Peter principle in action (you will rise to the level of your own incompetency).


“We’ll have the public vote about EMU in the autumn 2004, then we’ll change the currency in 2005.”

Buahahaha. I think I have a new quote for my sig… what’s this chap’s name?

Originally posted by Jing
[b]I think the Euro was introduced way too early… The ecomomies (and prices, most of all) of the different coutries should have been brought closer together first. Prices vary quite a bit right now, which is very annoying for people who travel. Of course, that was to be expected and will eventually change.

Oh, and I was in Germany a while ago; everyone said that things HAVE become more expensive.

All in all, I’m not as negative to the EU as I used to be (especially back when we joined…), but I still think that it’s moving too fast.

Making one country out of it is a very bad idea at this point. [/b]

If prices increased, then it wasn’t the Euro’s fault. Many greedy organizations took the chance to make that increase in the middle of the switching process.

Manus is right. After some time prices might be lowered due to trades & all that involves money across two or more countries being so much easier.

Didn’t say otherwise, did I? The Euro was used as a cover for raising the prices; that doesn’t change the fact that they were raised. Would have caused less chaos as a whole if they had waited a few years (at the very least).

Kaiser: Göran Persson (note the dots =P)

Originally posted by Jing
… Göran Persson…

That sounds way too much like foreign person. Unless I’m pronouncing the first name wrong.

Originally posted by Jing
[b]Didn’t say otherwise, did I? The Euro was used as a cover for raising the prices; that doesn’t change the fact that they were raised. Would have caused less chaos as a whole if they had waited a few years (at the very least).

Kaiser: Göran Persson (note the dots =P) [/b]

I think the one to blame for prices is global recession rather than currency changing. As for waiting, I don’t see the difference between changing to Euro now or later.

Currency matters though. If politicians change over to early or too late some currencies are gonna get kicked in the balls by exchange rates.

Waiting until everyone had a smililar… I’m not sure what to call it… economic state would have lessend the whole price chaos thing. Prices vary a lot between countries - common prices should have come before common currency to make things easier.

Urkani: Er, he’s Swedish?

I agree. Trying to implement it now is like trying to balance scales with a feather on one end and a ton of lead on the other.

Jing, I meant his name actually sounds like the words “foreign person”. :stuck_out_tongue:

Urkani: LOL! :slight_smile: And you pronounce that Ö thing like the I in “girl”.

Originally posted by Jing

Kaiser: Göran Persson (note the dots =P)

Thankies. (Is it still called an umlaut?)

The two dots thing? I think so.

In Sweden, Ö is it’s own letter, but in German it’s called “O umlaut”.