The boards need happiness

Geez, I shou’d’ve known my niece Makko would jump on this thread like a cat on a mouse. :noway:

Anyway, yeah this has helped improve the mood a lot, thanks Sin. ^ _^

“I REFUSE to be cute, dammit!!”

lol :hahaha; that’s really funny , and cute too.

Awwww :). I’m such a sucker for kittens.

And babies. Can’t forget babies.

She’s more pretty than cute.

It’s a <I>TRAP!</I>


Kittens! Give me!

Awww… adorable!

<img src=“”>
Holy shit it’s been forever since I made that. I didn’t think anyone still had it.
I love you gila.

I quite like the magpie ball.

Whoa, you made that? Man, I had no idea. I just had it saved on my computer this whole time.

Holy <b>FUCK</b> O_O I thought that was <i><b>fucking dead</i></b> O_O

My eys asplode with tears.

That is too damn cute.

Über Kawaïïï!!!

I thought that it had DIED! :bowser:

God I looked ugly with no hair.

When the FUCK was that made?!?

I don’t even want to know.

However, happyness levels are dropping below mandatory thresholds, we require more happy minerals and happy gas.

Happiness is mandatory. Failure to be happy is treason. ARE YOU A COMMIE MUTANT TRAITOR, CITIZEN?

It’s. So. CUTE. I need to go hug my kitties now.

This thread is making me nautious.

…Except for Dev’s post.

:moogle: n…e…e…d…i…n…s…u…l…i…n