The best RPGs post-FFX

While I agree, it is probably the worst of the series, I still enjoyed it. I think it had one of the easiest text fonts ever to read and its menus were very easy organized and easy to navigate. If you are a true Suikoden fan, you’ll look past its faults and find subtleties that make it worth playing. It wasn’t the best game I ever played, but it was by no means the worst.

The Digital Devil Saga games and Suikoden games…though IV is lacking a bit.

Steering the boat alone made me quit playing it- worst controls ever with an insanely high encounter rate. Unless I was somehow missing something on controlling the boat, I’d say they really bombed it.

Yes; that’s absolutely Dragon Quarter.

When you have to start lauding a game for having the easiest font to read (I don’t think I’ve played a game with HARD font to read), you’re stretching to find good points.

Well, Suiko4 did have a convenient menu system (thank you black hole inventory), especially compared to the clusterfuck of a menu interface Suiko5 uses. Sadly, that’s really the only thing Suiko4 has over 5.

Makai Kingdom and Atelier Iris 2. I don’t know if these are designed for widescreen TVs or what, but a good amount of the usual menu and dialogue font is motherfucking tiny.

Nevertheless, if that’s the only good thing a game has , its pretty fucking sad.

Excuse me if I actually value things like that. I mainly play games for fun, and if the in-game systems are a pain the to use, you won’t want to play it anymore, no matter how pretty the graphics or how good the story are. I’m glad some agree with me though.

SE, if you thing those games’s fonts are bad, try DoubleJumps guides, they made them almost pocket sized, damn I strained my eyes looking at them. I actually complained to the publisher but little good it did me, they’re next guides are going to be like that too.

If you play Suikoden Tactics along with Suikoden IV, the stories of the two games combined are pretty good in my opinion. I thought the Rune of Punishment was a pretty good addition to the True Runes as well. Overall, I’d give the game a “good” rating, not “poor” or “bad”.

I think Final Fantasy Tactics, in addition to the most well-designed graphics in general, has the best in-game fonts and typography. Tactics blows my mind, and it seems I return to it perennially.

I second SMT: Nocturne and Digital Devil Saga, as well as pretty much any other MegaTen game you can get your hands on. They’re kinda hard to find, but they defintely feel old-school, especially Nocturne.

i think that if you liked FFX you should go for FFXII which comes out soon. also KH2 which i’ve heard is brilliant and can’t wait to play it