The beginning of the end of my social phobia...I hope.

I’m really glad you’re starting to get over your phobia Perc.

Originally posted by Lord Zhou Yu
and who would this “special someone” be, manus?

Take a wild guess…

chris-chris? lady shadowz? evangelion? cala? that squeaky girl over there? WHO IS IT?

slaps his forehead:thud:

Manus, we’re not mind readers, and from the way you’ve acted toward several of us here, it could be anyone. And if she’s not on the boards, stop making us think she is. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, she is. That’s all I can say for now… Hehehehehehe!

Originally posted by Lord Zhou Yu
chris-chris? lady shadowz? evangelion? cala? that squeaky girl over there? WHO IS IT?

Dear lord no, not me.Manus spoke with my boyfriend already, he knows not to try anything(online). But by the sounds of it you’re getting close.

EDIT: I forgot why I initially looked at this post. Good luck to everyone conquering their shyness or phobias…I don’t really have a phobia but I can be excessively shy around people I don’t know or don’t care about, or withdrawn. I often seem uninterested or bored in social situations, thus making me look like an “I’m too good for you” Ice Queen, so yeah :stuck_out_tongue: That’s just me. All the best guys.

Please, don’t give him any clues. I want him to blow a fuse considering all the possibilities… Mwahahahahaha!

Hang in there, Sir Percival. You’re one of the most intelligent and well-spoken people on this board, in my opnion. You can surmount whatever problems you might face.

And I mean that.

hmmm I wonder who the lucky girl is…or maybe unlucky? I don’t know Manus well enough to answer that. either way…GO get her Tiger!:slight_smile:

Lets not hijack Percivals thread ok? :stuck_out_tongue:

While I was an outcast for most of my junior school and some of my senior school years (not due to a disorder or anything, just that I had not learnt that constant correcting people and being a know-it-all does not win you many friends :P) I have overcome that and am now very scially active. Talking to you Perc, I have no doubt whatsoever that you will be just fine, you have the right attitude, intelligence and lets face it, you know you are one hell of a hunk :stuck_out_tongue:

Next time Wert organizes his party thing, you should go along, then we can sit discussing philosophy over red wine and a cheeseboard :stuck_out_tongue:

Doesn’t get more social than that :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Ren
[b]I’d say this social phobia is a severe case of shyness, just like Manus’s.

Anyway, as much as I know, you’re in the right path to overcome it. The only known way to cure shyness it to throw oneself into social activities like that. [/b]

Technically, social phobia and shyness are not the same thing, but I have yet to really distinguish the two.

But throwing oneself into social situations is seldom a perfect cure for social phobia. If one does not have good social skills (thankfully I do), then the results can be disastrous and can only effect depression for the social phobic. And they do not always make someone tougher. Rather, one needs to first learn to think differently about social situations and failure, and then slowly begin to engage in simple social interactions. Following that, the social situations are gradually increased in number and in difficulty.

And thank you for the comments, everyone.

: Mr. Woohing Smilie says ‘Go Perc: Give that social phobia a left, and a right, and a uppercut. Wooh!’

I was supposed to meet my friend today for coffee. She said that she would call me today after she wrote an exam to confirm our meeting, but she did not.

I am going to call her tomorrow and reschedule. I do not think that the call will be stressful, but if you have any advice, by all means feel free to post it. I am not worried about what I should say, though.

And Nulani, Mr. Waving Smilie is free to steal my social phobia.

Originally posted by Zero
don’t go saying ‘it’s not right’ because it happens for everyone.
It didnt happen to me, I dont think that weird kinda shit happens to anyone else! Manus is just a freak! Thinking of hugging a girl indeed, see a doctor or somthing, Nut Case!

The girl Manus is talking about is Lady Shadowz.

For reals? I’m all for girls with low standards, but thats ridiculous!

I hope that you’ll conquer your problems guys. Good luck!
When I was going through the first nine years of school I developed a dull hatred against people in general, because everyone around me couldn’t accept that I wasn’t up for parties, and later drinking. It got better when I reached college though. Love all of you, my dear ol’ arts class.
Heck, that place reminds me of RPGC :slight_smile:

You mean full of wierd egocentric maniacs right Weiila? :stuck_out_tongue:

Nah, happy funny people :slight_smile: Heck, we even had giant broadswords!
… made of wood and cloth to make sure they didn’t hurt, but anyway…