And by slamming do you mean inform you of who Sinistral was?

Ah, very well then, Eva. Reason accepted. Plus, what’s gotten up some people’s asses? I mean, jeez… some people snap like twigs in some of these threads.

Well, you’ve been trying to spam up the boards. That’s annoying :stuck_out_tongue:

Ha ha, very funny, Cless. So maybe it’s true, but what else am I gonna do? Sit here and beat the meat to some video game sprites in the smilies box?

You’re a sick boy. You just totally ruined the thread for Sinistral :frowning:

Here’s a nice thing to keep in mind for posting.

Ask yourself is what I’m going to post going to contribute to the thread and subject in some way. If it isn’t, is it at least going to make people laugh and be a worthwhile comment? If the answer to both of those is no, then don’t hit the submit reply button.

He looks more like that Gactk guy all the girls scream about.

But all those blonde japanese pop sensations look the same to me

Actualy most pop stars look the same to me

Anyway, a cattle proud as a weapon is pretty badass, but he needs more of a 5 o’clock shaddow i think to keep up with the Don Johnson fuzzy unkept look