Thank you, Trillian

Originally posted by Bakufan19
The only thing I would be worried about is a bunch of people attaching themselves to your leg and begging for their own avatar.

whine? moves up to Trilly’s arm ^^

Originally posted by Dragonessa
whine? moves up to Trilly’s arm ^^

sprays her with mace

Move along ma’am.

I second the motion of a link for Perc’s full avatar.

Trill, Im sure I have told you this before, but im really impressed :slight_smile:
Heck, the limit of my ablities are coloring in my avvie from a B&W pic :stuck_out_tongue:

Shal, your avvie is kyoot.:hahaha;

Me goes to bug friend for avvy

That art is just so good it’s almost unbelievable!

To which creature did you have to sell your soul to become that good?

Yeah, kicks ass Trill.


Wish some art wiz would draw my avvie… :confused:

I like my avvie. Its not to flashy but it works.

Originally posted by Wertigon

Wish some art wiz would draw my avvie… :confused:

Try asking Spike here.
She is GREAT at art (even better then me!)

Spiffy. And I’m still waiting for Tril to get done with the “bishie-Yar” request I made in, like, November. Although, some kinda spiffy background’d be cool …

Originally posted by GG Crono 4
Someone’s gonna have to post a link to the full version of Percy’s avvie now. ^^;

Well, we have a Paladin and a Mage. We need a Cleric or a Druid and another Fighter type, at least, and then we can like… uh… save the world or something.

That Paladin pic had some MAD photoshopping (esp. on the armour)

Ha, and I was just noticing Perc’s accy this morning and thinking, “Boy, that looks cool… reminds me of Trillians work.” low and behold it was. Very snazzy, and yeah, that armor does rock.


Originally posted by Dragon Tear
grahs and flips out

Saving and uploading, DT… Look for 'em in me site’s FTP.

Oh, and I agree with the populous, minus Giz, they kick much ass, Trill. God, I wish I have a sixteenth of the skill you do. Hell, a thirty-secondth would suit me just fine, too…

Originally posted by Sir Percival



Originally posted by GG Crono 4

\m/ [/b]

Indeed, Mr. … um … 4.

Oh, and once Tril gets done, I’ll be the Fighter type. That, or some kinda Red Mage.

Originally posted by GG Crono 4

Okay man- that pic is many things, but heavy metal (or even softer rock music) is not really one of those things that comes to my mind with Percy’s pic, unless its glam. ;p

wow, you’re the best I’ve seen trillian…oohs and aws come from the crowd

Originally posted by Cybercompost
Well, we have a Paladin and a Mage. We need a Cleric or a Druid and another Fighter type, at least, and then we can like… uh… save the world or something.

Well, Im a cleric wink :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously, That Percival pic is unreal, its now my backdrop :stuck_out_tongue:

Heh, I thought that Percival could not get any more hardcore than he was :stuck_out_tongue:

You had to go prove me wrong didn’t you Trill…

I’ll be the very agile ranger who can break his longsword! < /DnD reference>