Tech Support eeaugh

The directions are copied straight from an e-mail, so they might sound out of context, but they still work just the same.

Please find attached the file “”. Unzip this file to a folder on your desktop. Grab a Blank formatted floppy disk and place it in your Floppy drive. In the folder you unzip the attached file, run the file called “install.bat”. Follow the instructions to create the disk. Restart your computer with the floppy disk inserted.

The memory test program will start automatly, and run continuously unless stoped by you. After the test has run once, record any error messages, and call me.

Why not pop out the hard disk, place it into a computer with a better means of backing up files, and back up from there. once the disk is saved, pop it back into your computer and format it.

just delete the file after you download it CH.

Actually Sasser does affect ME/98Se/98/95 machines. Its just that it cant automatically propogate to them or from them. It still can affect them and generates the exact same symptoms that you described. So, yes, it doesnt PROPOGATE into ME, but it still affects it.

(Why wouldnt it? Its still a program that has spawned thousands of threads that need memory and CPU time, even if they are impotent)