Tarot Cards

Useful psychological and spiritual tools, as well as absolutely beautiful to look at (well… except Rider-Waite =p). Even if you don’t believe in divination, you have to admit that they are amusing, and its yet another cool thing to collect! =D

Okay, so this thread has multiple purposes. First of all, what do you think about the tarot?

Second of all, its so you can find out your essential, personality, and destiny cards. Hey, even if you don’t believe in it, its pretty interesting. And my cards, for one, accurately describe me.


Check out this site if only to gaze in awe at the absolutely beautiful Thoth deck. But if you want, there are a couple of things where you get your essential card and such, much fun. Check it out man.

My essential card (“the card showing up your essential being, standing for the origin way your personality is”):

X - The Wheel of Fortune

Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto - the masters of Karma
Planet: Jupiter
Tree of life: The axis Chesed (growth and condensation) - Netzach (creativity and anarchy)
Number: 10 as symbol for perfection, the cross sum is 1 (the Magician)

The Wheel of Fortune is a symbol of destiny and destination, of good luck and bad luck, of the ups and downs of life and fate. Everything is in motion, turning and floating, constantly changing, accidental and uncontrollable.

The trump also represents the need to be careful, to realize and recognize the vaguarities of life, to accept the fact that fate is nothing what we could have done, but the result of what we already did. Today is the result of the past, future will be the sum of past and today, and no matter how accurately we plan, the Wheel of Fortune will mix up light and shadow.

Whether the Wheel of Fortune is positive or negative is not a matter of happenstance or events in the first place; but rather of the way we will deal with the results, arrange our lives with the unchangable and work on what we might be able to change - and of course of our ability to realize facts.

Drive: Eternal motion, changing, restarting, accepting of fate

Light: Unexpected changings, fortune, realization of luck

Shadow: Fatalism, a changing to the worse

My personality card (“According to Crowley, each of the cards can mediate an impression of a person whose zodiac decan belongs to this specific card, thus you can say that a person born on August 12 has many attributes that are typical for the Prince of Wands, and if the person is born short before August 13, there will also be many attributes of the Knight of Disks as well.”):

Prince of Wands
(Prince of the chariot of fire)

Astrology: 21° Cancer to 20° Leo
Element and world: The Air in the Fires of Atziluth

The Prince of Wands represents the Air within the fires, intellect and storm within the spiritual flaming. As the son of the Queen, he bears a certain heritage of the waters inside of him, expressing in romantical beliefs and a most generous nature.

Though, the attributes of fire are excessively strong, combined with the flying airs the first impression is that of a hot storm, filled with action and wilful, impulsive energies. Lacking the patience of the earth, the Prince of Wands wants it all and he wants it now, refusements or delays might provoke explosive outbursts. He has endless courage and tenacity, he can fight far superior forces until he has won.

With the airs whirled up by the hot breath of fire, he can be a juggler and trickster, wanton and frolic, recklessly abusing the powers of his mind to fool and ridicule the slow and harmless. He doesn’t mean bad but usually storms forward too fast to recognize the ruins left behind.

At the shadowy side, all his attributes can exaggerate to their worst, resulting in reckless destruction and even in cruelty and sadism. His impatience can mount into instability, always seeking for novelty without getting anything done, with all his powers burning out unused.

Drive: Aktivity, energy, impulsiveness

Light: Energy, creativity, passion, swift, strong, rather violent

Shadow: Restlessness, insatisfaction, impatience, destructive powers, cruel, intolerant, prejudiced

My destiny card (see her spiel on these, this entry is already too long =p):

5 of Wands - Strife

Tree of Life: Geburah through Fire
Astrology: Saturn in the 1. decan of Leo

Like all Fives, the Five of Wands stands for Geburah - motion and changing and the powers of destruction - and 5 is the number that breaks the stability and structure of the Four.

Fire isn’t meant for settling and resting, and the flames burn high to break out of their own realm of the Four. This means revolutionary movements and aggressive renewals, and sometimes this isn’t the most pleasant way to go. Especially not when we felt good and comfortable in the secure structure of the Four.

In the shadowy aspect, the violent disruption of the struggling flames can mean that we’re just agressive and restless, making trouble for no better reason than being bored.

Drive: Challenge, the will to break out, contest, struggle, conflict, rashness

Light: Refreshment, renewal, boldness

Shadow: Struggle, conflict, destruction, spritual crisis, prodigality, trickery.

On a side note, I think that its very interesting an avowed atheist such as the creator of this website can believe in the validity of the tarot.

EDIT: Oh, yeah. The above stuff can be found in “Your essential card,” “Court cards in Zodiac,” and “Raven’s Taroscope.” You should also check out the card descriptions.


On a side note, I think that its very interesting an avowed atheist such as the creator of this website can believe in the validity of the tarot.

The idea behind Tarot does not need the existance of deities to be true.

I like it too, though all I knew and ever practiced about Tarot is related to the Arcane Cross. The site has shown me some new things.

I should clarify. She does not belive in magic, and yet she believes that tarot is perfectly natural.

Of course, she also uses the laws of physics in her tarot spreads rather than magical laws a lot of the times. Odd person, pretty cool though.

Originally posted by Cybercompost
Odd person, pretty cool though.

You too (serious). Just like all the rest of us (with the exception of a few, serious).

Wow, these are a LOT more accurate than any of the other things…

<u>Essential Card</u>
V - The Hierophant

Drive: Search for hidden truths, trust in inner instincts

Light: Wisdom and knowledge as an experience independent from dogmatism and science

Shadow: Intolerance, esoteric nonsense

<u>Personality Card</u>
Knight of Cups
(Lord of waves and waters)

Drive: Selfsacrifice, self-redemption, grace, poetry

Light: Compassion, solicitousness, sensibility

Shadow: Seducability, vanity, unsteadiness, sentimental obtrusiveness, artificial, untruthfulness

<u>Destiny Card</u>
8 of Cups - Indolence

Drive: Temporary success, but without further result, things thrown aside as soon as gained, nothing of lasting value, journey from place to place, searching for riches

Light: Transformation

Shadow: Depression, suicid, whining, instability

Well, I see more numerology than Tarot on his system, since when you go find out about your card the system only calculates the sum of the numbers in the birth date. Switch the position of any two numbers and the results don’t change. He then correlates the result with a card.

Well Ren, the Thoth deck (which is my alltime favorite) heavily uses numerology as well as astrological and alchemical symbols, so it works rather well.

First, I’d like to make it clear, I do not believe in divination. I’m a firm believer in the randomness and unpredictability of Life.

However, I LIKE the Tarot, for its symbology. It can be seen as a collection of phylosophical ideas that has endured thru time (and several cultures.)

Not to mention it’s cool to use in stories! (there’s even an Anime series (its name escapes me right now) based on it.) : )

OK, let’s see what I get…

VIII - Adjustment

Venus in Libra, standing for fairness and justice, with a clear aspect to Saturn
Zodiac: Libra
Tree of life: The connection between Geburah (movement) and Tiphareth (consciousness and harmony)
Number: 8 as the number of justice and adjustment (2 x 4, 2 x 2 etc.)

The adjustment is a symbol for the balance of contrasts, complementing one another and also building up room and time. She combines the High Priestress and the Magician. Both are connected - true, conscious action results from realization, wisdom is based on action. The principle of activity completes itself with the passivity of inner reflection, the adjustment being the balance in between.

Another common name of this trump is ‘Justice’ - the card tells one to be righteous in all aspects of our life, to ignore, surpress or prefer none if need be. Only when we have an objective view of all and accept them, can we can find inner balance and silence.

Therefore, the Adjustment stands for uncompromising honesty and objectivity, the realization of cause and effect, background and consequence.

Drive: Will for knowlegde, harmony between reality and instinct, objectivity

Light: Balance, justice, fairness, always looking at both sides

Shadow: Selfrighteousness

…OK, I admit it, it nailed me pretty well. But it could’ve been just a coincidence… whistles nervously

Edit: Oh yeah, thanks for the link (and the topic) Cyber!

Essential Card: Adjustment

Drive: Will for knowledge, harmony between reality and instinct, objectivity

Light: Balance, justice, fairness, always looking at both sides

Shadow: Selfrighteousness

Personality Card: Prince of Disks

Drive: Solidity, increased material, growth

Light: Unwavering, industrious, enduring, reliable, practical, reasonable, careful

Shadow: Stubborness, corruption, avarice, phlegma, dullness, coldness

Destiny Card: Five of Disks

Drive: Material Crisis, worry about material things or health

Light: Reconsidering of values, managing to get along in hard times

Shadow: Fear, loss, failure, destruction, hindering, unpredictable changes for the bad, worsening circumstances


Accept no less-scary substitutes.

I don’t believe in this sort of thing, but my sister does, shes got a deck of tarot cards.

VIII - Adjustment

Venus in Libra, standing for fairness and justice, with a clear aspect to Saturn
Zodiac: Libra
Tree of life: The connection between Geburah (movement) and Tiphareth (consciousness and harmony)
Number: 8 as the number of justice and adjustment (2 x 4, 2 x 2 etc.)

The adjustment is a symbol for the balance of contrasts, complementing one another and also building up room and time. She combines the High Priestress and the Magician. Both are connected - true, conscious action results from realization, wisdom is based on action. The principle of activity completes itself with the passivity of inner reflection, the adjustment being the balance in between.

Another common name of this trump is ‘Justice’ - the card tells one to be righteous in all aspects of our life, to ignore, surpress or prefer none if need be. Only when we have an objective view of all and accept them, can we can find inner balance and silence.

Therefore, the Adjustment stands for uncompromising honesty and objectivity, the realization of cause and effect, background and consequence.

Drive: Will for knowlegde, harmony between reality and instinct, objectivity

Light: Balance, justice, fairness, always looking at both sides

Shadow: Selfrighteousness

nice site… pretty good,

essential personality destiny
.VI Adjustment / Queen of Discs / Ten of Wands -Opression

heh well at least i’m fertile and sensual :stuck_out_tongue:

This clairvoyant lady that I do business cards for periodically has the Thoth deck…she loaned the deck to me so I could get an idea of what type of art she wanted for the logo on her business cards. I was pretty impressed with the design on them.

<table><tr><td><font size=“1”><U>Essential Card </U>
III - The Empress

Venus in Taurus, standing for fertility and growth, the earth rules the Taurus
Planet: Venus
Tree of life: The horizontal axis between Chokmah (the universal power) and Binah (the understanding)
Number: 3 as the combination of the contrasts to a unity (synthesis, harmony)

The Empress is the friendlier, more approachable aspect of the female archetype. She stands for maternity, love and mercy; at the same time she’s a symbol for sexuality and emotion. She is pure feeling, absolutely unintellectual, but basically life. The Empress is the Great Mother, representing the beginning of all life. She is the power of nature, causing change, renewal, major plans.

The Empress also stands for passion, a phase in which we cope life on an emotional and joyful basis, rather than on the thoughtful. This could mean great satisfaction, but in a improper context, when actually more analysis is needed. The Empress can also stand for a reflective, emotional attitude, refusing to accept reality. It also could stand for a person who is greedy for joy and abundance when actually just more self-control is needed.

Drive: Devotion and maternity, Mother Nature, creating something new in connection of both inside and outside

Light: Maternity, love, trust, fulfilness, the joy of great abundance

Shadow: Greed, envy, jealousy, laziness

<U>Personality Card</U>
Prince of Disks

Astrology: 21° Aries to 20° Taurus
Element and world: The Air above the Earth of Assiah

The Prince of Disks represents the Air in the element of earth, he is stable and industrious and also thoughtful and inventive when it comes to improve matters.

Nevertheless, the Earth puts the brakes on the Air, therefore the Prince of Disks is slow in following and developing his plans and ideas, yet he is steady and unwavering - once on his path, he is going forward towards his goal.

The Prince of Disks can seem a bit cold in his emotions sometimes, yet he values his comfort and beauty. He is patient and tolerant, but once in rage, he hardly forgives.

On the shadow site, the Prince of Disks can get stubborn and ignorant, overly piqued on anything not belonging to his related surrounding, and phlegmatic up to total stagnation.

Drive: Solidity, increased material, growth

Light: Unwavering, industrious, enduring, reliable, practcal, reasonable, careful

Shadow: Stubbornness, corruption, avarice, phlegma, dullness, coldness

<U>Destiny card </U>
4 of Wands - Completion

Tree of Life: Chesed through Fire
Astrology: Venus in the 3. decan of Aries

The Four of Wands represents Chesed - the power of condensation, growth and stability, standing in the structural discipline of the 4 - the work is done, the plan was successful, the Fire has settled and reigns over its realms.

Fire is the element that stands for Atziluth, the world closest to divinity, and though the card might talk of every possible endeavour - a job, a relationship, an intellectual research, it is most likely aiming at something more spiritual.
This explains the upcoming of the card in such seemingly inappropriate situations like big family troubles or failed business projects - hereby the card shows us that we’ve learned a lesson and that the failure in the ‘profane’ world was just what we needed to achieve more spiritual maturity.

Drive: Perfection, rest after labor, completion after effort and trouble, structure, control

Light: Completition, well earned rewards, rest after labor

Shadow: Overestimation, torpidity, loss of tranquility</font></td></tr></table>

Essential Card:XI - The Passion

Venus in Leo - the creative development of passion leads to enjoyment and fulfilness
Zodiac: Leo
Tree of life: The connection between Chesed (growth and condensation) and Geburah (movement)
Number: 11 as perfect combination of 1 and 2 (the cross sum of 11 is 2)

The Passion is the step into the second decade of the Major Arcana, the point where the journey into the inner depth begins. In other decks, this trump is called ‘The Power’, a symbol for the mastery of our own animal side. Crowley named the card ‘Lust’ - and most people don’t really think of mastering their inner animal, but enjoy it full tilt…

In a combination of both, the animal side shouldn’t be ‘mastered’ in the meaning of ‘surpressed’, nor should it be let out to ‘romp around’. It should not be ignored, but accepted as a natural part of oneself. In that manner, one will not only be able to profit from its instinctive natural power, but also to save the power needed to ‘master’ it.

The Passion implies vitality, energy and power. The card tells us to use these riches. In most aspects of life, an endeavor will have much more success when passion is put into it.

Drive: Energy, passion, charisma, joy of life

Light: Power, vitality, unconditional devotion

Shadow: Weakness, insatisfaction, depression

Personality Card: Queen of Swords (Queen of the thrones of Air)

Astrology: 21° Virgo to 20° Libra
Element and world: The waters in the Airs of Yetzirah

The Queen of Swords represents the Water in the Air, thus supplying the qualities of emotion and sensitivity to the airy element, the abilty to transfer and reflect, to form and create. As the mother of the Air, she will have a strong dominance of intellect.

The Queen of Swords can be very sensitive, perceptive, sharp-witted and intelligent. On the dark side, she can turn cruel, malicious, narrow-minded, bigoted or even deceitful, dangerous, too, because of her charme and beauty.

Being water in air, the Queen of Swords lacks the stability of the Earth as well as the will of Fire. So she can lack practicality, steadyness, running the risk to live in an idealistic land of her own outside of reality. Further, she is sensible to interferences and disturbance from the outside, unable to protect herself against it.

Drive: Independence, freedom of mind and soul

Light: Wisdom, imagination, self-confidence, perceptive, graceful

Shadow: Coldness, inaccessibility, cruel, deceitful,

Destiny Card: 10 of Disks - Wealth
Tree of Life: Malkuth through Earth
Astrology: Mercury in the 3. decan of Virgo

With the Ten of Disks the element of Earth has reached Malkuth, the final place of active manifestation - Assiah meets Assiah - and the Disks are in their very own homeworld.

Therefore, the Ten of Disks are at the point where their richest potentials unfold, getting settled and staid, realizing the complete amount of material gain. Also, the Ten of Disks is the very last of the numbered cards, representing the completion of work, the full circle of Earth.

On the dark side, the Ten of Disks become fat, lazy, blinded by wealth and even greedy for more, then being busy with grabbing together more riches. When richdom gets big, it needs a ventile to not become dull, a concentration on science or emotion to not get buried in nothing but earth.

Drive: Wealth, security

Light: Completion of success, material security, well-being

Shadow: Greed, laziness, poverty of feelings, dullness of mind

Mostly accurate, except for the greed thing, I tend to desire nothing in terms of material objects.

Cyber and I got the same Essential Card.

Other than that:
Personality Card:
Astrology: 21° Sagittarius to 20° Capricorn
Element and world: The Water in the Earth of Assiah

The Queen of Disks is the mother of her element, the water in the earth, which makes her the perfect mother, conforming and emotional as for the water and stable and reliable as for the Earth.

The Queen of Disks is kind and tender, friendly and good-hearted, she has fine instincts and intuitions. She is strong and sensitive, protects her house and family and cares as well for emotional and material well-being. She is calm and practicable and can be a good, industrious worker.

Beneath the calm surface, the Queen of Disks can tend to lust and debauchery, fond of intoxicating stimulants, but she keeps it hidden. At the best, she will know that the dose makes the poison - at the bad, she won’t.

On the dark side, the Queen of Disks lacks both the qualities of Air and Water, therefore she can get foolish and rather unintelligent, without pride and spirit, easily getting in needless dependence and being too weak to free herself - or even worse: not even trying to get free and independent.

Drive: Fertility, womanliness, security for family, home and materials

Light: Kind, charming, great-hearted, truthful, stable, sensual

Shadow: Moody, foolish, undecided, weak, dependent

Destiny Card:
10 of Wands - Oppression

Tree of Life: Malkuth through Fire
Astrology: Saturn in the 3. decan of Sagittarius

The Ten of Wands are standing for suppression and restriction, showing the Fire on the grounds of the Earth, where they cause an uncontrolled, destructive burning.

Fire is not made to rest on the grounds, having lost the contact to the higher levels of spirit, it mutates to a blind and cruel force , not understanding the own self anymore. Fire is a power that has to be handled with imagination and reflection, not with stubborness and hardened standards.

To understand the card, you have to understand the qualities of the Wands which stand for Chiah, the general living spark, the vitality of soul. You cannot force it down, a free bird cannot survive in a cage.

Drive: Cruel and overbearing force, thirst for might

Light: The chance to think about it, learning

Shadow: Cruelty, excessive pressure, selfish and material ends, dogmatism, aggression

Happy >_>

I also got Wheel of Fortune for my essential card.

Knight of Cups
The Knight of Cups represents the Fire in the element of water, trying to bring the contrasts in balance, using the flaming fires to advocate the passive waters. Therefore, there is a certain unstability within this Knights’ character, that can shift from one side to the other.

Briah is the world of emotions and sensitivity, and the Knight of Cups might have good senses for art, poetry and lyric, his compassion can make him a good healer. If he manages to reach real depth and inner conviction, he will be able to provide rich tenderness and emotional warmth.

On the shadow side, his quickly rising emotions could be overwhelming, but without depth and reliability, when the fires of spontanity won’t be able to harmonize with the depth of the waters. He is friendly but passive, easy to enflame but his interest can fade as quick as it flamed up, at its worst even appear as fakery and falsiness. So the Knight of Cups may also appear as an unsteady character, full of unripe ideas and failed attempts.

Drive: Selfsacrifice, self-redemption, grace, poetry

Light: Compassion, solicitousness, sensibility

Shadow: Seducability, vanity, unsteadiness, sentimental obtrusiveness, artificial, untruthfulness

(I agree kinda, but I wouldn’t say I was vain.)

7 of Swords - Futility
The Seven of Swords show the element with its reigns lose, storming into the realms of anarchy and destiny, fighting against ‘nobody knows what’, getting entangled in many conflicting tendencies.

Now none of the Suits is lucky within the Seven - the Wands burn down, the Cups nearly drown and the Disks are out cold - yet the Swords are least willing to accept their fate and activate every trick and list they can figure to get along. And considering that the Swords are pure intellect, they are embarrassingly good in figuring out tricks…

Therefore, the Seven of Swords can talk of trickery, cheating, sudden affronts, juggling and intentional confusing with unrestrained Mercurian amorality. Though, all the lists are bound to fail, even the clever Swords cannot escape the hand of fate.

Drive: List, trickery, cleverness

Light: Unmasking of illusions and disguises

Shadow: Treachery, deceit, illusion, amorality, evil tricks, selfpity

(Well true enough, I like to trick people and play pranks, but not necessarily evil.)

EDIT: I’d like to add that this is frighteningly accurate and that I’m impressed.

The destiny does not have much to do with personality, it has to do with, as the name implies, destiny. =p

My results were the Hierophant as my essential card, the Prince of Discs as my card of personality and the Four of Wands as my card of destiny. Whilst the last card may be correct, the other cards do not express me well at all. My true essential card is probably the Lovers or the Sun and my true card of personality is probably the Knight of Cups.

Essential Card = VII-The Chariot
Drive: The will to conquer, courage, victory

Light: The awakening of powers, the way ahead, searching and finding one’s place in life

Shadow: Megalomania(um i think actually the opposite or i like purty things, oh look shiny! MINE),
insensivity(yeah i don’t care about much),
running against(and into? ^ _ ^) walls

Personality card = Queen of Cups
Drive: Floating across the borders, drifting between reality and dream

Light:Imagination(right…), poetry, kindness, sensitivity, emotional depth

Shadow: Diffusion, spinning around in irrational folly(psh yeah right)

Destiny card = 10 of Swords-Ruin
Drive: Transformation

Light: Rebirth, realization, the end of a cycle, wisdom through pain and loss

Shadow: Ruin, loss, destruction, separation, pain, catastrophe
I have this to live for? I’m so thrilled…

Thanks Cyber for the site. Here’s another site i find that the tarot readings I’ve tried in the past from the site were kinda close to what i was thinking about. http://www.facade.com I like the Haindl deck, i thought they had the Thoth tarot there too but nope. I’m not sure if the runes, i-ching, or biorhythms really come out as accurate on that site though, haven’t been to the site in quite a while. I own the Hanson-Roberts deck, i think its called, i haven’t done a reading in a long time. I agree the Rider-Waite deck is basically ugly.

Originally posted by Cybercompost
Well Ren, the Thoth deck (which is my alltime favorite) heavily uses numerology as well as astrological and alchemical symbols, so it works rather well.

Mmmh, that’s the one I got. You kick ass. :moogle:

EDIT: oh yeah, I don’t think highly of personality cards and numerology; that almost never applies (or rarely, at least) because it’s an invention it wasnt made for.