Useful psychological and spiritual tools, as well as absolutely beautiful to look at (well… except Rider-Waite =p). Even if you don’t believe in divination, you have to admit that they are amusing, and its yet another cool thing to collect! =D
Okay, so this thread has multiple purposes. First of all, what do you think about the tarot?
Second of all, its so you can find out your essential, personality, and destiny cards. Hey, even if you don’t believe in it, its pretty interesting. And my cards, for one, accurately describe me.
Check out this site if only to gaze in awe at the absolutely beautiful Thoth deck. But if you want, there are a couple of things where you get your essential card and such, much fun. Check it out man.
My essential card (“the card showing up your essential being, standing for the origin way your personality is”):
X - The Wheel of Fortune
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto - the masters of Karma
Planet: Jupiter
Tree of life: The axis Chesed (growth and condensation) - Netzach (creativity and anarchy)
Number: 10 as symbol for perfection, the cross sum is 1 (the Magician)
The Wheel of Fortune is a symbol of destiny and destination, of good luck and bad luck, of the ups and downs of life and fate. Everything is in motion, turning and floating, constantly changing, accidental and uncontrollable.
The trump also represents the need to be careful, to realize and recognize the vaguarities of life, to accept the fact that fate is nothing what we could have done, but the result of what we already did. Today is the result of the past, future will be the sum of past and today, and no matter how accurately we plan, the Wheel of Fortune will mix up light and shadow.
Whether the Wheel of Fortune is positive or negative is not a matter of happenstance or events in the first place; but rather of the way we will deal with the results, arrange our lives with the unchangable and work on what we might be able to change - and of course of our ability to realize facts.
Drive: Eternal motion, changing, restarting, accepting of fate
Light: Unexpected changings, fortune, realization of luck
Shadow: Fatalism, a changing to the worse
My personality card (“According to Crowley, each of the cards can mediate an impression of a person whose zodiac decan belongs to this specific card, thus you can say that a person born on August 12 has many attributes that are typical for the Prince of Wands, and if the person is born short before August 13, there will also be many attributes of the Knight of Disks as well.”):
Prince of Wands
(Prince of the chariot of fire)
Astrology: 21° Cancer to 20° Leo
Element and world: The Air in the Fires of Atziluth
The Prince of Wands represents the Air within the fires, intellect and storm within the spiritual flaming. As the son of the Queen, he bears a certain heritage of the waters inside of him, expressing in romantical beliefs and a most generous nature.
Though, the attributes of fire are excessively strong, combined with the flying airs the first impression is that of a hot storm, filled with action and wilful, impulsive energies. Lacking the patience of the earth, the Prince of Wands wants it all and he wants it now, refusements or delays might provoke explosive outbursts. He has endless courage and tenacity, he can fight far superior forces until he has won.
With the airs whirled up by the hot breath of fire, he can be a juggler and trickster, wanton and frolic, recklessly abusing the powers of his mind to fool and ridicule the slow and harmless. He doesn’t mean bad but usually storms forward too fast to recognize the ruins left behind.
At the shadowy side, all his attributes can exaggerate to their worst, resulting in reckless destruction and even in cruelty and sadism. His impatience can mount into instability, always seeking for novelty without getting anything done, with all his powers burning out unused.
Drive: Aktivity, energy, impulsiveness
Light: Energy, creativity, passion, swift, strong, rather violent
Shadow: Restlessness, insatisfaction, impatience, destructive powers, cruel, intolerant, prejudiced
My destiny card (see her spiel on these, this entry is already too long =p):
5 of Wands - Strife
Tree of Life: Geburah through Fire
Astrology: Saturn in the 1. decan of Leo
Like all Fives, the Five of Wands stands for Geburah - motion and changing and the powers of destruction - and 5 is the number that breaks the stability and structure of the Four.
Fire isn’t meant for settling and resting, and the flames burn high to break out of their own realm of the Four. This means revolutionary movements and aggressive renewals, and sometimes this isn’t the most pleasant way to go. Especially not when we felt good and comfortable in the secure structure of the Four.
In the shadowy aspect, the violent disruption of the struggling flames can mean that we’re just agressive and restless, making trouble for no better reason than being bored.
Drive: Challenge, the will to break out, contest, struggle, conflict, rashness
Light: Refreshment, renewal, boldness
Shadow: Struggle, conflict, destruction, spritual crisis, prodigality, trickery.
On a side note, I think that its very interesting an avowed atheist such as the creator of this website can believe in the validity of the tarot.
EDIT: Oh, yeah. The above stuff can be found in “Your essential card,” “Court cards in Zodiac,” and “Raven’s Taroscope.” You should also check out the card descriptions.