Tales of Symphonia OST Question

In Tales of Symphonia, when Raine is in Full Arciologist mode. (i.e, Triet Fire cave enteace) What it the music called that is playing?

Big Nutter
(Ack! Raine, that was a low kick!!)

CD2, Track 7 : Refill - Relical Mode!

I think last night still affecting me (St Patricks), I’m gald you understood my message Because I can’t…

But thanks Sin… the thing i want.

Big Nutter
Look at this Famicom game…
Oh Great! He’s that mode now… Just like Raine…

Nobody can ever understand your messages, the best we can do is give educated guesses.

“Refill: Radical Mode” or somthing.

Edit: NM, Sin got it.

We’ve Got it! But Nutter doesn’t half dribble over the Classic Consloes cabinate in our local game store.

He Just loves old or rare consoles and games. Give him TOP cart and SNES that will work in the uk, He’ll be happy.

Ack Battle Tunes!! I’ve got a few TOS battle Tunes. But since My TV’s rubish on sound and I can’t keep a tune rembered for more than 3 tunes ago. So What are the Battle tunes on the OST and where do you hear them?

Big Nutter
I know when you fight Summon Spirts it playes “Fighting of the Spirt” (which is also on TOP reagranged)