Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh has been brutally stabbed to death...

Is Sweden’s penal system more punitive or rehabilitative?


Originally posted by Wertigon

And how does it work? I’m all for rehab in theory, but I’m not sure how it works in practice.

Originally posted by Wertigon

Oh, man. And I thought the Swedish were smart. Rehab doesn’t work, especially with this guy, who, by the sound of it, is the most inempt criminal on the planet.

It doesn’t really work here either, but sometimes it does. Overall though, no :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not sure if Sweden has the same, but Norway has something I can only translate as ‘Secured Lifetime’ - which in essence means they can detain the person iindefinitely. If he is sentences, I’m pretty sure he’ll end up with something like that.

It’d be nice if they succeeded to rehabilitate him, instead of keeping him locked up though. It depends on the person, and the motive: If he’s unwillingly to change, if this was a joyride crime, and the like. I hope neither is the reality.

But before we discuss his punishment, let us hope they got the right guy, and if it is, that they can prove it was him.

No, we don’t have that. “Lifetime” is just 15 -20 years. We do have something (a long word, the mere thought of translating it gives me a nervous breakdown)… If a person is declared insane, he’ll be treated (locked up) until he’s “healthy” again. There’s no time limit to that.

Pretty much the same thing: As long as they can prove he is still a menance to society he can be locked up as long as they feel necessary.

And just so people know. I have little faith in punitive penal systems, in my opinion they are only effetive against what I call joyride crimes. I like to think most crimes are comitted by people who are desperate and not by people who think it’s thrilling and fun to violate the law. To efficiently stop those people who are desperate from comitting crimes, you have to somehow stop them from being desperate: Else they’ll be released a couple of years later and still be, if not more, desperate.

Had to say that, since the thread shifted into the subject of punishment.

Anyway. I hope they have caught the right person, I hope he recieves the punishment he deserves, and I hope Sweden and the rest of the world will be spared from political murders in the future - indeed, all kinds of murder. Not that it is very likely.