Supersize Me

Anyone see it? Any thoughts?

In my opinion, it’s sensationalism on something that everybody already knew. If one needs to watch that movie to learn about all the things that McDonnalds does yo your body, said one needs a new brain.

Exact same opinion

Well, we all know that fast food isn’t good for us, or rather, some of us know that. I don’t think it was so much as educating the public than to prove McD’s claims wrong, over how their food can be integrated into a nutritious, healthy diet…

It’s fast food, I don’t care if they use the elixir of fucking eternal life as seasoning, everybody knows fast food isn’t good. But yeah, I know there are people dumb enough to buy the “We know it looks greasy and heart-stroke inducing, but it’s really healthy!”

I think you have too much faith in people :stuck_out_tongue: North America is full of obesity.

Wisconsin is also the state with the highest levels of obesity. I love my home.

I don’t think its as much about knowledge as it is willpower.

I thought it was good, honestly I knmew fast food wasn’t good for you but I never realized the extent until I saw the movie. I was thinking he would gain a few pounds and maybe have his cholestrol go up or something. The fact that his entire body started shutting down, that he started getting depressed when he didn’t eat, and that he was actually addicted to the food was the real shocker to me. I don’t see it as sensationalism just because everybody knows that fast food is bad, I see it more as showing the scope in how bad it is. Reducing Super Size Me to sensationalism would be like saying Helter Skelter is sensationalism because Charles Manson is bad, wich everyone knows. Frankly I never realized how bad he was until I read the book, and I didn’t realize how bad fast food can be until I saw Super Size Me.

Thank you FS.

I haven’t seen the movie, but from what I’ve heard, he didn’t exactly try to make a nutritious diet out of McDonald’s food. He ate everything on the menu and super-sized his meals whenever it was offered, right? I’m sure he could do the same thing at the average family diner and get similar results. All he’s proven is that a person can ruin his body on McDonald’s food if he tries.

I agree. One of the lawyer’s replies to a suit featured in the movie was something along the lines of “people already fully know the dangers associated with eating at McDonalds.” I agree. Liability suits are awful things, even to as heinous a business as Mcdonalds.

Sure, McDonalds is terrible… But w already knew that. Even if you did not know the extent of how awful it was for you, it would just give you a reason to hate McDonalds more, which does basically nothing. I still eat at McDonalds once every few months even after seeing the movie, simply because it’s quick, (somewhat) enjoyable and very, very salty, to the extent where you can smell the salt from outside, and that doesn’t even make sense. It’s when you frequent McDonalds, like many people do in the States and in Canada, too, that it becomes a problem and you are more prone to get more out of the movie.

I’ve been meaning to, but I’m afraid it’ll make me want to save the masses by torching McDonalds and Burger Kings. Not that anyone but fat kids eat there these days anyway, and that again, is just to get Happy Meals.

McDonalds is bad for you ONLY if you:


Fast food is just there for convenience, in case you need to snag something real quick and (like me) think granola bars taste like regurgitated cardboard. It’s not there for every meal.

I’ve got it. It’s pretty interesting all the shit that happens to him besides merely getting fatter. The really horrible thing is when he has the fries in his office for 10 weeks and they don’t degrade one bit.

Old fries rock your cock.

Oh, and mcdonalds is bad if you don’t do your regular amount of exercise that EVERYONE’S supposed to do ANYWAY

I liked the part where McDonalds made the claim that “most doctors” say it’s okay to eat there. :smiley:

I thought it was technically a good documentary; well-filmed, etc.
I thought there were minour degrees of sensationalism, but I also think it did the same thing Michael Moore’s films have done: Take public knowledge, and actually make it public knowledge.

Everyoen knows MacDonalds is bad, but they subconsciously deny it. ‘Oh, it’s meat. That’s healthy. Fries, well, you need some starch to survive.’
Super Size me points out, that in fact, it is bad, and really makes it difficult to deny.

If you eat a McDonald’s cheeseburger once every couple of weeks or so, it’s not a big deal. If you eat as much McDonald’s as you can for a month (or however long the guy did it), then no shit your health will be fucked up.

Yeah, it gives people “proof” of something everybody already knows, as Frame pointed out, but on the other hand, it’s getting people demonizing fast food completely. In moderation, it can indeed be part of a healthy diet. That doesn’t mean that McDonald’s food is healthy, just that eating unhealthy food in moderation isn’t necessarily detrimental to your health.

Also, McDonald’s is getting/got rid of SuperSizing, and that fucking pisses me off.

This is a good point. As I said, I think it did get a little overzealous.