
What’s wrong with mocking Theorycraft? My comp wont let me do much else today.

Not at the moment, I’m kind of bed ridden and forgotten about :\

Starcrap… Haven’t played that game in years… I stopped playing ever since map hack became common

The saddest part of that map hack shit is that it invaded Warcraft III online almost immediatly. Myself and Sinistral got the game relativly soon after release and we played online all the time, and in no time flat did we start encountering people with map hacks. And it would be obvious - 4 people on 8-10 people maps and we’d get attacked really soon, and we wouldn’t see any scouts. It’s such bullshit.

Guys, don’t spam threads up with stupid crap like that.

And yes, WC3 is god awful. Ladder games are unplayable since so many people hack that it’s just not fun after you’re rushed 1 minute into the game by 3-4 people every single time.

What is a ‘Ladder’ game anyway? I see them on SC, WC3 and D2 as options. Are they like touraments or something?

In Warcraft and Starcraft, Ladder games are like a tournament ladder. Players challenge each other for higher spots on the ladder (get it…ladder…levels on a ladder…climbing the ladder…). The higher your spot on the ladder, supposdly the better a player you are and all that but it’s corrupted due to the amount of cheaters.

In Diablo 2, it’s kinda the same thing, except it’s who got to level 99 the fastest. Since the advocation of speed leveling and stuff like that the ladder system therem is also completely worthless.

Occasionally, Blizzard will reset the ladder, in which case new accounts/characters are made and the same madness repeats itself.

Sounds like one of their worse ideas. :\

People are idiots. Especially cheaters. Meh.

Oh, it was actually a very good idea back when Starcraft first came out before there were really any hack problems. The ladder worked nicely then, but once hacks started constantly coming out, the ladder system completely sucked. The guys at the very top my not hack, but you tend to not be able to play against them since you have through frusterating swarms of hackers. And then it got to the point where people could hack the scores, so you’d see everyone at the top with 9999 and something like 900 wins or whatever a day after the ladder was reset. Blizzard basically sat there and did nothing except ban a handful of accounts occasionally.

I guess it could be an ok idea, but I just don’t really see the point.

I love you :kissy:

Agree with Sorc here. Why not just keep the normal scores as a measure of how big your SC-penis is? Or were those hackable as well?

See, this is why I never play online against people not from here.

Right now, starcraft is great as a lan game, but battlenet blows. It is almost impossible to play a real map out there, only use map settings rpgs and madness, and the various incarnations of money maps. not to mention map hack. or you get idiots who accuse anyone that beats them of hacking.

To have a complilation of rankings based on serious, PvP rankings, of course. Your record could be all based on 7v1 comp rushes, but ladder doesn’t allow you to put computers in.

B.Net is a fine matchmaking service, but the thing is, you have to know what you’re doing before you can have fun. 95% of the public games that people play suck, so you need do develop a sort of instinct for which are the good ones. But the most fun I’ve had in B.Net is when I’ve been hanging out in a clan channel, or some similar type of channel and played the people in there. Not only are the people who play in most clan channels much better than the average SC player, they also hate money maps and BGH as well.

I can stand bgh, but the 400000 FMP offshoots just suck the life out of the game. At least BGH has room for some subtle trickery by means of how the terrain is setup. I got so fed up with trying to find a real game that I spent 2 week on nothing but madness and defense maps. those can be interesting, but they often miss the point. When we do lan games as of late we go for BGH, and try to trick your opponent into letting his guard down, or finding small weak points in their defenses.

As people should GM. I played SC only five or so times as a Melee mode. All of them were Hunters maps, or made ones with about a BAJILLION RESAUCES per area. >_<

I remember some of the early UMS maps could be fun. Ones like God, which relied on people NOT being dicks, and the Matrix ones, which needed the same, before everyone only ever played that one with the waves of Zerg and you with a few units. I forget the name. A level like it was a secret stage in Frozen Throne. :\

Okay, speaking of that, what’s your best SC experience?

Mine has to be one of the only melee maps I ever played, a 4 player free-for-all. One of the players got battered into submission by a Protoss player, then me and another allied up to attack a Canonned-In Protoss force. I must have hammered dozens of nukes into his base perimeter before I opened a hole wide enough to let my allies Ultras and Guardians in. And he still held out for an hour before we got him. Not a big-money map, no map hacks, no cheaters. Just a good match between three players.

Of course, this was Pre-TheoryCraft, before it got a real head of steam. Our tactics sucked and we probably could have ended it a half-hour earlier if we had thought about it, but DAMN it was fun. :smiley:

Well, one time me, ackbar, green mage and The Cless Alvein were playing and between games we took a break so, being me, I went and smoked a bowl. And about 10 minutes into the next game I really started to feel it, so I just started making units. Well, GM knew that eventually I’d be high as a kite and probably feeling really mighty, so he bunkered outside my base. Not knowing this, I just ctrl+clicked groups of units to area’s way past my base, like at meeting points or something, and then wondered why my units weren’t arriving. I think I even asked ackbar. Then suddenly half my base was gone because GM had put Siege Tanks down somewhere nearby. It was pretty funny, people were talking and I couldn’t read fast enough to read what they were saying. I was constantly asking them to repeat themselves.

Not exactly my best performance, but I happen to think it was hilarious.

TheoryCraft definitely takes the fun out of the game. It then just boils down to mass number crunching and using unimaginative, but “proven effective” strategies. I long for the days before my friends and I discovered this scourge upon the game. I enjoy doing crazy things like floating 6 CCs into a guys base, with no real purpose other than confusion value, just to have a little fun.

ain’t it the truth…

by the way, you still play this GM? i remember a couple of months ago when we played a lot of 1v1 s, but then i kind of stopped showing. we should play again sometime.