Star Wars Kid Awarded $351,000

What’s the kid supposed to do? Curtis already said it. A case of bullying would be making a website mindlessly bashing a kid. This went beyond bullying - a quite embarassing video was used to nationally - hell, even globally humiliate him. When a video you certainly didn’t want on the Internet has reached at minimum hundreds of websites across the world, what do you propose as to how this kid would stand on his own feet? E-mail every single site admin asking them to take the video down?

I do agree about the money. Even in the United States I fail to see how 351K fixes pain and suffering. IMO this kid WAS mentally stabbed by this, but he probably decided to take advantage of it and take more than he needed.


See, I don’t see it quite that way. The guys, by uploading the video, gave this kid celebrity status. It may be for a silly reason, but people know who this kid is. Even if some people taunted him about it, he could have just laughed it off. I don’t see much of a reason to sue, much less for $351,000.

THink of it this way: Let’s say someone created this elaborate hoax that labelled you as a child molestor on a national level. THat’s celebrity status, right? Now, even if you tried to get people to stop, and tell them it isn’t true, a lot of people, possibly people you thought knew you well, would begin to think of you as “that bastard child molestor.” Now, you know it’s stupid that they think this, so yuo should be able to laugh it off.

yeah, good luck with that.

Yeah, but there are several differences. First of all, being a child molester and being some goofy kid are VERY different, in terms of how people treat you. Second of all, there was no hoax, just a video of the kid acting goofy. I guess he might be more sensitive than me, in terms of stuff like that. I really don’t care what most people think about me, anyway.

yes, I concede, the analogy I used isn’t the exact same thing, but still. High school - and school age in general - is a very touchy time for people. My High school was a bit different from normal ones, and I actually managed to rebuild my shattered self-esteem, but damn, the way kids made my life a living hell 6-8th grade pushed me to attempt suicide. That was such a small scale, compared to what this kid went through. People are far from sure about their identities at that time, and having people constantly mock them, make it impossible for them to actually do anythign without a stigmata like that following you around… really, it’s worse than msot people can possibly imagine.

Even if some people don’t care they’re still sensitive and being harassed continuously isn’t cool .Some people don’t dig being humiliated. Not everyone has the same personality you do. Some people just want to be left alone. When this happened, he was fucking young and when you’re his age, this kind of shit matters to you, esp if you’re fat geek like he was that had to put up with bullying and humiliation all your life already.

If he weren’t fat, I bet this thing wouldn’t be half as popular as it became.

And for the record, I’ve never even seen the clip.

Internationally. He’s world-famous, damnit.

Just to clarify, he did in fact know about the camera and probably made it himself; during the video he went to the camera several times to turn it off and back on for different clips.

Could you please stop posting about your inferiority complex every time the opportunity presents itself? It’s nice to see that you know your place<!–I’m KIDDING, as quoting this post will show–>, but it’s getting a bit old. Thanks.

I…hadn’t even realized I posted that. Sorry.

I don’t see how that’s relevant. He video-taped himself, to use for personal purposes. He did not intend for it to be leaked out through people in his school.

Yeah, but the “just to clarify” foreword kinda implied Cless knew it wouldn’t really change the argument…

I believe the word you wanted was “stigma”.

Right, right, used the plural by accident. Point is.

Personally, I think none of this would have happened if the kids’ parents had taught them a thing or two about respecting others. That’s the problem these days: parents don’t give a damn, and leave everything to schools. Schools only provide academic formation, not moral guidance.

also for the record the kid suffered more trauma than just getting laughed at:

Wow. That kid’s fucked.