Spammer got pwned.

Liek toly pwned.

Good article.

So they actually have professional spammers? I thought it was all automated… augh.

Originally posted by lord-of-shadow
So they actually have professional spammers? I thought it was all automated… augh.
It is. These are the people who built the scripts and get the money back on 'em.

I once built a simple spam script out of boredom. I could’ve spammed every single e-mail address in the world with it. But I had nothing to say, so it got trashed.

<img src=“”> omg u camper!!!111111111`````

Funny how they post an anti-spam article and their site has pop-ups.

I wonder how much fear would be in the hearts of spammers if there was a serial killer that targeted them. Esp considering cops might take their time solving the case and people who chear the dude on.

They’d go something like this : “Liek toly he cant find me hre. gunshot o no i am ded”

“AOL (which, like this magazine, is owned by AOL Time Warner)”

Wow, they like to state the obvious, don’t they?

Well, what can I say? I’m glad they’re finally doing something about those wretched spammers.

I haven’t received too many spam E-mails since I got Optimum Online, but I’m glad this guy got what he had coming to him.

Kind of reminds you of the movie “Catch Me If you Can”…

I get one spam e-mail every other day, and I have hotmail. All I did was not click anything extra whatsoever when signing up for hotmail.

Heh, I’ve given my email address out to practically every site on the net, and I still get more non-spam emails then I do spam :wink:

The article made my day. 16.4 mil is my new lucky number.

Man, they didn’t even go after him because he was a spammer, he was taken down because he was using stolen credit card numbers.


That is a very good thing.

As far as killing off spammers though, hmmm. I’ll be happy to do it for money.

<b>"Some spam victims aren’t waiting for the state laws to kick in. They have become spam vigilantes. Marketer Dan Balsam in Santa Monica, Calif., has waged a one-man legal campaign against spammers who refuse to remove him from their mailing lists. No judgment has netted him more than $1,000, but Balsam isn’t in it for the money. “I’m trying to raise the cost of spammers doing business,” he says. Los Angeles software engineer Bill Silverstein has taken an even more creative approach. When he wanted to sue a company that refused to stop sending him spam for a penis-enlargement kit but couldn’t pin down its real-world address, he simply ordered the $90 kit. The address showed up on his next credit-card statement. “You can hide on the Internet,” he says, “but you can’t hide from American Express.” The offending company eventually settled for $7,500.</b>

BWHAHAHAHA! That bit iod business was costly.

Originally posted by Stevus
I get one spam e-mail every other day, and I have hotmail. All I did was not click anything extra whatsoever when signing up for hotmail.

Exactly. Also, the best virus protection on Hotmail is the “message size” column. Anything over 60k from someone I don’t immediately recognize goes bye bye.

One spammer complained abotu death threats on his family.

I wonder why. Maybe it’s because he doesn’t deserve to breed?

I love my dns blacklist: All the spam I recieve is from the email account I have at my ISP; the most spamish I recieve from my own email server is it telling me it has been a good boy and busted more spammers.

Death to all Spammers! I’m handing their lifetimers out to small children.

Good, but long article.

16.4 is now also my lucky number.

I use a very obscure webserver, so I almost never get spam.

well, you also know how it mentioned the random email generation thingo right?
My friend figured that they did something along those lines a while ago, so he just got a REALLLLLLY long email address…
like what you say?
try on:
not one piece o’ spam. And it was on low level protection too!