sorry for the site/forum slowness earlier today

Shut up TD… Shut up…

I just blamed the slowdown on the school computers (I swear, sometimes, those things make the ENIAC look fast)

Just my luck, yesterday I was for about 20 minutes in the site at a horribly low speed and suddenly it went lightspeed just as soon as I left:(

<img src=“”> Neither one of you heard anything, capiche?

It was a bit laggy on my Internet, but it’s much better now. The site was still being displayed, so I figured it was just temporary. I knew it couldn’t have been my computer because my connection was at normal speed.

I actually assumed it was the school network becasue everything has been very laggy since monday at school. Meh.

And so, what’s the excuse for the site being down THIS time?

This is getting <b><i>VERY</i></b> annoying.

If you didn’t like this, harass the staff to take part of the debate on the staff board instead of sitting on their asses letting few do everything for them.

:slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue: :wave: :wink: :smiley: :cool:


Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

Otherwise I’ll say all the mods, admins, staff, etc. less TD are doing a hell of a job. I’d join that debate but alas I’m not staff.

<img src=“”> Yeah, I did that once. Bit my nose off it did. Stupid horse.

And Sin, there isn’t much discussion to be had. Only a few people are capable of at being able to even attempt to fix it, so talking about it wouldn’t really help much.

It’s still having some slight hiccups, but the performance has improved greatly: Cheers to Merlin. He’s turning into a Server Admin, not that I think he wants to.

Originally posted by Nulani
It’s still having some slight hiccups, but the performance has improved greatly: Cheers to Merlin. He’s turning into a Server Admin, not that I think he wants to.
Truer words have not been spoken :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, reinforcements are on the way, so I anticipate/hope things to be back to normal by Sunday. So just live with the lag, back in my day we only had 14.4 modems so we liked the lag as we traveled across the Internet up hills and through snow…both ways!

Originally posted by Merlin
So just live with the lag, back in my day we only had 14.4 modems so we liked the lag as we traveled across the Internet up hills and through snow…both ways!

That was beautiful, Merlin. claps hands

I didn’t like the lag, but when upgraded to 28.8 it was like there was no lag.