Sooo...Read any good books lately?

As one in constant pursuit of new things to read I thought I would ask what y’all have been reading lately. Anything on the spectrum from brain-candy to serious literature, really. Heck, why not some nonfiction, too.

Read lately:
2312 by Kim Stanley Robinson
Redshirts by John Scalzi

I may have been poking around the Nebula award website to find these titles, but they only announcement so many nominees a year.

Name of the Wind and Wise Man’s Fear by Patrick Rothfuss. Fantasy, not deep, but clever.

I’ve definitely read those!! I anxiously await the release of the third book.

I do a lot of driving for work so I manage to “read” audio books. Currently “reading” Shadowfever, contemporary fantasy, and for some reason that wasn’t described in the description, very erotic. So far it’s alright, but nothing I’d highly recommend. Kind of a “meh” book.

“Bones of the Dragon” is another good one, I just need to finish the series.

I actually do more writing than reading these days. Just recently finished writing a fantasy novel and had it published to Amazon called “Survivors of Vullah”. Got the sequel in the works.

“the Right Stuff” and “A Man in Full” by Tom Wolfe.

Medieval documents, mostly. Last book I read was Hal Clement’s Mission of Gravity.