Some people, I just want to hit so hard.

Okay, I was just coming out of the nearby Rental place with Kingdom Hearts, and I noticed this Ford Aspire that was idling right outside the building, but in a place so that you couldn’t see it from inside. Already, this is a sign of stupidity, since it could easily be stolen. But the Goddamned dumbasses LEFT THEIR 2-YEAR-OLD SON in the backseat, sleeping peacefully. And I, being the damned good samaritan that I am, waited outside to watch the car to make sure nothing happened.

Now, I’ll admit, the chances of anyone actually coming by and stealing the car in the 5-10 minutes the parents were inside were really unlikely, but why would you leave your child in the backseat of a idling, unlocked car, period? And then, when the parents came out, I decided to just say something to them, just to see if they knew just how big of a couple of fucktards they were being. Their response? “Well, we were only in there for half an hour.”

HALF A FUCKING HOUR. These people were apparently so sure that nothing could ever happen that they left their toddler sleeping in the backseat of a working car for half an hour while they were inside renting their Goddamned Animal House. I honestly wanted to shout at them, explaining how it’s a pity their boy might carry the stupid gene they both have, but instead, I just memorized the car specs, and planned on calling Child Services just in case.

Anyway, I guess I’ve finished my rant now. Feel free to discuss this. Or just ignore it. I just needed to get all this out.

You could’ve just locked the frickin’ door and go tell the kids’ parents inside that you just saved him from a pedophile carjacker and now want compensation from beating a living being to an inch of his life…

Call the cops next time you see that, trust me there are enough cases of parents accidently killing their children that way that you’ll probably get the closest patrol car on them fast.

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I’m disgusted I share a world with these sick kinds of people.

You say idling…I assume you meant that the vehicle was running? I sure hope so in any case, because the weather on the east coast hasn’t been the warmest lately.

So yeah. Call child services. If this is a two year old you can imagine the life he’ll have growing up. Poor little guy.

Maba’s drunken rambling reply reduced any serious thoughts I may have had about this into uncontrollable giggling.

I aplaude your good deed Val.

I feel sorry for the child having such stupid parents,people can be such morons.

Why didnt you hit them? They deserved it.

Deserved it or not, it’s a violation of personal rights =D

Those people should not be parents. Perhaps this is a rash judgement, but hopefully they will develop some common sense before that child is too greatly influenced. Why you would leave an unsupervised two year-old anywhere for half an hour is something I can not understand.

That is incredibly stupid for leaving an idling car in a store parking lot. We’ve had our (locked) car stolen from a fast food parking lot in well under five minutes.

Val, Demigod, I agree with you 100%. It’s that kind of neglect and stupidity that gets kids killed these days.

Wtf. Just aside from the fact that it’s polluting the environment to let a car standing in front of a house for HALF AN HOUR with a running engine-
Sorry? Don’t they love their kid or something? If it was a bag or something I’d still understand that. But a KID!? Knock knock, you just left a human being unprotected and unloved. Bravo. And then they still wonder why their kids feel like their parents don’t love them and have depressions and go on killing sprees later. Seriously.

They should drive off a bridge with the child just to make sure their genes aren’t passed on to one day ruin the world.

Wasn’t there a case just the other day in the News about a woman who got sentenced for causing her baby’s death by leaving her alone in a car? Didn’t these people hear about it?

Some people never learn. :noway:

BTW, Val, I’m glad that you noticed, CARED, and knew what to do- and what NOT to do. Good going.

I woulda left a note on the steering wheel that says “Your kid sure likes candy” or somthing. Teach em a good lesson.

They probably wanted to get rid of it. By it I mean the kid. You should call the authorities the next time. With a bit of luck the kid would have been taken away, and the couple wouldn’t have had to give up the vehicle.

Don’t those people read the newspaper! Every week there’s something about a baby dyeing from being left in the car. You shouldn’t leave a kid alone for even 3 minutes. Idiots.
You should call child services, these people do not deserve to be parents.

I don’t see it as that big of a deal, sure they’re pretty bad parents but hell, shit like this happens all the time, accept it. It’s their own fault if something happens to their kid and they’ll be the ones that’ll have to deal with what they’ve done. You shouldn’t get worked up so easily.

I don’t see it as that big of a deal, sure they’re pretty bad parents but hell, shit like this happens all the time, accept it. It’s their own fault if something happens to their kid and they’ll be the ones that’ll have to deal with what they’ve done. You shouldn’t get worked up so easily.

I agree: there are too much of this people in the world, but I also think that it is great if someone cares about it an even tries to prevent worse.

Valkyrie Esker you are a modern hero!

Originally posted by Urkani
I don’t see it as that big of a deal, sure they’re pretty bad parents but hell, shit like this happens all the time, accept it.

Agreed, but that’s no excuse.