so many people want the charlemagne dead

They can’t steal my nick… or can they?

Nobody wants to.

Ah good, another crushing remark to add to the collection.

I hear not posting helps stop that.

And Epic, if someone changed my nick name, I want it to be to what’s his face… Dark… the pika guy. :stuck_out_tongue:


Okay, so theft is fair game for the powers, but what does it take to get a LEGAL name change of my own volition?

Ask the admins, be VERY nice about it, and don’t ask at a time when everyone’s in the mood to change their name (i.e. Hallowe’en).

Which reminds me… October’s starting to come up, and I don’t think Tony’s gonna cut it this year. Gotta find something else…

I’ll take it that it’s that time of the month.

If I get any one who spirtes. I may Post with My Vertion of them.

Big Nutter
(Note To Self: Ask Yar Kramer for use of His 16 bit)

Does the Eden want me dead?