Crunchy all the way for me.
Smooth, like the way I make love
I guess that I prefer smooth peanut butter (especially the Valencian variety), although I basically like both smooth and crunchy equally. The only kinds of peanut butter which I dislike are the hydrogenated ones, like Skippy.
In cooking, however, I think that I have preferred crunchy, using it mainly for an Indonesian satay recipe.
Choosy moms choose Jif.
Also, Percy, send me recipes some time. kthx
Crunchy. Makes great peanut butter cookies, which r teh gud.
smooth. No contest.
I like my peanut butter like my men…smooth and hydrogenated.
Pardon my ignorance, but what does “hydrogenated” mean? I ask beacause we usually buy Skippy.
Bad stuff, it can kill you. So naturally, its in junk food that tastes good.
Crunchy for me, but the same reason.
Smooth. It is easier to eat.
Someone as smooth as my loves smooth things.
Crunchy is where it’s at, yo!
Hydrogenation is the process of converting polyunsaturated fats into straight monounsaturated fats or saturated fats, by using heat and pressure. It’s the process used to, say, convert oil into margarine. It makes the hydrogenated substance worse for your health, but I think it’s still a bit better than plain, dense, saturated fats (like butter).
Seeing as I can’t stomach the stuff I’ll say smooth, as that way it won’t cause a blockage when I vomit it out of my nose.
I had heard that the unnatural transfatty acids which result from hydrogenation were even worse than saturated animal fats. Of course, I may be wrong.
Goddamn Perc. I need to have you over to cook me something someday. You seem to know what you’re talking about >:)
Cooking’s easy. They say I can whip up a mean batch of biscuits, if you know what I mean. wink, wink nudge, nudge