I don’t know why, but I’m having a really hard time playing this one. I love the other three, and I played SH2 obsessively when I first got it (it was one of the first PS2 games I got, and also one of the first Xbox games I got), and I stormed through SH3 very quickly, but now I’ve had SH4 for nearly a year and I’m still struggling to even get more than a few steps into the game.
So, to anyone who’s beaten SH4, is it worth playing through? The fact that it doesn’t take place <I>in</I> Silent Hill is deterring me a little, I think, but I <I>really</I> want to play the game, cause, you know, it’s Silent Hill…
So what am I missing, and should I give it a better chance?
I completely agree with you Sat. Still you should give it a chance, as alot of moments in the game are disturbing and scary. It just doesn’t feel like Silent Hill though.
I want my flashlight and my radio.
I was able to get about 20 minutes in on PC, and about an hour in on Xbox, but never any farther than that. It just hasn’t been doing anything for me. Does it get better?
Better? No. Near endgame, you have to escort this person, and it’s a major pain in the ass. It gets creepier, but not better.
So, it’s SH2 style escorting (which sucked) and not RE4 style escorting (which was hella-bad-ass). That sucks.
I’ll still give it a chance, eventually.
SH2 escorting wasn’t so bad. I just took things as slowly as I was always wont to do before and I had no trouble.
I also kept Maria and I close to the walls so I had less area to be watching over and took the corners defensively.
Not to mention I play the game like a complete hardass, killing everything with melee weapons. First complete was something like 500 kills by melee and 40 by shooting (when I got fed up with an annoying critter)
Well, I haven’ t beaten it, but I can surely tell you I like it. It’ s kind of a break from the original trend but it has the Silent Hill feel, even if less than other SHs. The rusted/blood-stained hallways bring back memories. On a side note, I love SH2 too, even if it’ s a little short, but that’ s off-topic. So, to sum it up: if I were you, I would definitely play it. It’ s always a Silent Hill afterall…