W00T !
Hopefully it’ll be as disturbing as SH3 ^^;
Is it just me or has everyone decided to give up making games for the Gamecube?
Way to go off-topic, XCG 8P
Frankly, I don’t give a crap about the Cube until they start getting in some really good RPGs… SoA is a good start, but it needs more.
Back to the topic, I’m quite curious how the ambient soundtrack will turn out…
ROCK ON! Silent Hill is one of my favorite game series of all time. I wonder if it will continue the story of 1 and 3 or be more like 2 as in kinda an off shoot (Which it looks to be judging by website).
Man, I can’t wait for this!
DG, you should get the Gamecube with the Game Boy Player That makes the Gamecube really nice, cos you have your RPGs on GBA, and you have your everything-else on Gamecube. Even though you already have a GBA, I know, playing it on a big screen TV is so much nicer. I mostly only have seen the Castlevania games, but I can tell you that everything is so much nicer and clearer on them than on GBA. The colors are nicer than GBA SP, though the detail on GBA SP is pretty easy to see cos it has light.
Let’s hope that it will be like a mix of SH3 and 2. 2 was awesome, and 3 was disturbing.
Dead men holding dead babies hanging upside down O.o
…now I have to finish SH3 >.>;;
God, those screenshots are creepy and disturbing.
…I’ve GOT to get this one! :mwahaha:
OMG!!! so kewl~:moogle:
they even have monsters that attack through walls in SH4~ wicked!
Now I must finish SH3!
And SH is my favorite of the survival horror genre. Heck, its the only one I like (unless system shock counts, but thats first person RPG IMO)
I am happy, yet sad. Sad first then happy <.<;
Sad because I remember Komani saying something alone the lines of, “Silent Hill 3 will be the last in the Silent Hill Trilogy”. Making a new Silent Hill will 1) prove they lied (something I don’t fancy be it good or bad) and 2) could very well make it end up being just another RE.
The screenshots though, do lend a… very… Silent Hill-type world graphics style, infact I can see how they even improved upon the classic ‘fog’. (Also, the main character, woo! Did I mension I love the Silent Hill drawn hair?) So I don’t believe graphics will be a problem.
My biggest consern with this, is just what I said before: another RE. Silent Hill, one and two especially, had lovely plots filled with puzzles and twists. 3 had them aswell, but… far less with the puzzles and far more with the random monster killing. That, and the nurse… thing… being raped or whatever in the last part, that was SO WAY more creepy then the thing that got raped in 2 by the red head things… or maybe not, since in that one you hid in the closet <.<;; Hopefully this new installment of Silent Hill won’t turn out to be an RE, and stay true to the so-far-so scary Silent Hill style. (and I must say, I’m watching more and more of my horrific ideas put onto Silent hill XD;; So happy ^^)
Returning to the first statement, I’m happy because frankly, I love Silent Hill Sooo gonna get it <.<;
I’ve never played any SH games but I have checked the background out on all 3 of them because they looked…interesting.
However I regret looking at the screenshots…I’m such a baby cries in horror
wow, this looks very interesting. I wonder if David Lynch is helping out with the story?
comforts Eva There there, I’ll make sure the nasty monsters don’t get you.
Looks at screenshots again
Now let’s go a long long way away until they’re gone.:thud:
Originally posted by Evangelion
[b]I’ve never played any SH games but I have checked the background out on all 3 of them because they looked…interesting.However I regret looking at the screenshots…I’m such a baby cries in horror [/b]
If the screenshots disturb you the game will fuck you up =)
Originally posted by Jakanden
If the screenshots disturb you the game will fuck you up =)
As it should. nods thoughtfully
Too bad there is no version for the Game Cube.
Konami is making it for Ps2 and Xbox, but not GC.
Too bad.
Although I’ve never been a fan of horror games.
I’ll rent it.