shut up and leave already

This is a somewhat strange case. A lot of his supporters make a lot of unsubstantiated claims…a simple web search reveals a bunch of pages that make these claims, but there are also a few pages rebutting these claims (sometimes in great detail). Who do you believe? (hint: search for Mumia, not Muwia)

I think this is a bit of an exaggeration, although history is taught somewhat poorly. But obviously some people pick up this information from somewhere…also it seems you are right in that America did fire the first shot…a US destroyer sank a Japanese submarine near Pearl Harbor before the attack actually took place. It’s easy to see why this is skipped though, it really doesn’t have much historic significance.

Oh, the irony.

Heh. Funny thread.

This is why everyone who posts on the internet should still think very carefully. The fact that you are given the chance to prepair an educated comment before spouting it out NEEDS to be taken advantage of. Bullet did somthing, however, that I used to (might still) do, he didn’t really think about what he was going to say. Then he got worked up (most likely over somthing he heard in a chat or on tv) and went OMFG I HAVE AN OPINION!

Case in point.
Drugs are bad.

Edit: Oh yeah, and Bullet. Your sig line is both too large and annoying. Deep thoughts slapped on cheesy/dramatic anime scenes doesnt have a very exciting effect on a message board following comments like yours.

for once it wasn’t me with the meme


<img src=“”>

I do this <font size=“5”>ALL THE TIME</font>. It’s the only way to have fun aruond here.

Fixed +1

Who wants to go to Siberia? Make it Sweden and I might take your offer.

Can I get a ticket to Amsterdam?

Well you can’t have fun without attention.

A Siberian Joke

There is this small village, some 500 miles north of Novosibirsk, which stays buried in the snow for most of the year. Just a for a few days in August, people can get out of their houses and meet each other. So, one day in August, Boris sees that snow has molten and he comes out. Then he sees his neighbor Ivan just coming out of his house. “Privet, Ivan” says Boris in Russian. “Good morning, Boris” answers Ivan in perfect English. Boris is flabbergasted: “Where did you learn such good English, Ivan?”. “I will show you, Boris!” Ivan gets back into his house and comes back carrying a radio set: “You see? I have been listening to American radio programs all winter, and so I have learned English!”
So, Boris thinks he needs a radio, too. The day after, he sorts out his sledge (in the meantime, it started snowing again), and goes to Novosibirsk. After a few days travel, he gets to the people’s store, and asks for a radio set. Of course, there are different models and different prices:
“We have this very advanced American set: hear stations from all over the world. It goes for a thousand rubles”
“Too expensive, have you anything else?”
“Well, there is this German set, very good. 3 hundred rubles.
“Too much. Something else”
“Hm, this is a nice Czech set. It works fine for seventy rubles”
“ I think it is still a bit too much”
“ So, we also have a Russian made set. Soviet technology, only ten rubles”
So, Boris buys the Russian set and goes back to his village. Winter comes, then another summer. Snow melts, and the people of the village meet again each other in the open.
Ivan greets Boris saying in an even better English: “Good morning Boris”.
And Boris answers: “zzzzzz……. s…pt!!..…crch…… zap! ssshhhhh……”

It’s funny cause they’re from Siberia.

I don’t get it

HA HA HA! Russians make inferior technology!

Thats funny.


I like how some controversial but stupid threads descend to merely being stupid at the drop of a hat.

If anyone doesn’t like it, they can leave! Lol.

Nah, I said I do like it. Besides, it’s funny for about the first couple of pages or so.

Misinferred sarcasm, sorry.

Like that thread about some huge mall and people just randomly started talking about what shampoo they use? That was hilarious.

You guys need to shut up about this thread and leave already, if it were up to me I would buy you all a one way ticket to Gaia Online.