Short Stories

I find the deliberate ruination of certain characters and plots in videogames to be… unappealing.

So does anyone have any short stories that aren’t fanfics? I’d be interested in reading them.

Yeah, I have one good one that I really like. Let me go find it and I may post it after a while. Or I might just forget, I’m not sure which yet.

Hey guys I was serious about this :open_mouth:

One time there was a boy, and he wanted to be entertained all the time on the internet, and he always made demands, and it really annoyed everyone. One day that boy got hit by a bus, and everyone had a party to celebrate, with strippers and RC cola and a fun time was had by all. And the boy remained on the front of the bus grill for all eternity.

The End

PS: The boy is you Hades

I don’t think I liked that one :frowning:

Stop spoiling us with your happy endings, BMO.

Yes, I agree that fanfiction is just…terrible.