Shinra sucked

Now you know.

damn G.I. Joes

Yeah. Being bored sucks.

I thought they sucked because of their rampant consumerism and propaganda and whatnot. I mean, a lot of FF7 was supposed to be a parody of everything shitty about America in the 90s. IMO. You can throw that stuff about the “lifestream” out the window and it would still be poignant.

Thanks. Because we really didn’t know. :fungah:

No problem. :hahaha;

It’s not souls, it’s the lifeforce of stuff that has died and doesn’t need it any more, hence the lifestream. That’s how geostigma was made, Jenova’s lifeforce spread the disease when the lifestream stopped the meteor.

This topic was better when it looked like Charle and GAP were gonna drive out to an abandoned parking lot and fight.
My bets would be on Ken, by the way.
Just, if it does happen.
Come on. Fight! Fight! Fight!