She must have her enter key on full-auto...

Originally posted by StarStorm
[b]Heeee. I los any trust in FFNet when I ran across “Crono’s Story”.

God… [/b]

I read that one… ><

Looking for good stuff in is like looking for gold nuggets in a sewage plant.

A good way to find stuff is to set the filter to Rating-All and Words-60 or 100k. Only people who are at the very least half-decent can write stuff that long.

Unfortunately, you miss out on the good short ones then, which do exist.

Originally posted by Pierson
[b]No, it isn’t. I just take pride in the fact that I can stare into the face of a great percentage of FFnet authors and say without trace of falsehood;

“I write better drunk than you write sober.”

As can most people here. That’s why RPGC rocks go god-damned much.:hahaha; [/b]

I can say the same, although my stories aren’t nearly as great as some of those posted on this site. And I say that with sincerity, not modesty.

That’s another reason why I love I love to go on there and find stories that are supposed to be dramatic and serious but just come off hilarious. :mwahaha: