Second Sun, an RPGC Fic by StarStorm

Chapter 4: Cleaning House

Location: Ruins of Time Square, New Brooklyn
Date: May 4, 194 A.S.

Thirty soldiers, or the likenesses thereof, congregated around an old theater. Ten more had taken up positions on the rooftops of various buildings surrounding it, guns at the ready.

“Shame we don’t have any combustable ammo.” GG sighed, looking up at the sniper positions.

Wert nodded. “Yeah. Well, as soon as Kampo or ClothHat finds an ammo dump, we’ll try and rectify that. Is Omega team in position?”

GG looked up again. “Yessir.”

“Alright. Delta team, if anything that has green skin and/or tentacles leaves the building, I want it fried before it hits pavement. Bravo and I will take the party home.”

Nessa nodded in comprehension as her team took up positions.

“Alright, lets torch the place.” Twenty soldiers in two teams, armed mostly with light weapons and spears, entered the theater.

“You alright?”

Owwwwww… my head is killing me. “No I’m not alright. I just had my head beaten in.” I opened my eyes and focused them on Weiila.

“Actually, no, you fainted.”

“I fainted?”

She sighed, another one of those “Why are you so slow” looks. “You fainted. So I dealt with the bumps on your head and took you to your room.”

I sat up. Well the bed was comfotable. I would think it would have been hard after… how long was it? Oh yes. 200 years. I had to resist the urge to pass out again.

200 years. 200 years in a post-apocalyptic future… On the good side, the assholes I had to deal with were all gone. On the bad side, so what everything and everyone I cared about.

I have this slight tendency to to focus on the bad.

Ok, Wesley. Focus. You don’t know how you got here, you don’t know what you’re going to do here, and you’re three steps from blind panic.

Blind panic seems so comforting right now.

“Ugh. I think I’ll be alright. It’s just…” I rubbed my head lightly.

“Just what?”

I thought for a moment about telling her. But on reflection, she would see it as crazy. Certainly people don’t come here with stories of time travel, especially in their sleep. How exactly to you explain to someone you were around almost two centuries before they were ever concieved? “Nothing. Don’t worry about it.”

She frowned. She kept quiet, but she didn’t seem to buy my excuse. Oh well. “About that tour?”

I got up from this bed (I seem to be in bed a lot…), and let her lead me out.

“Bravo team, are you in position?” The message wa broadcast via spell to GG’s ear. They couldn’t risk a lot of sound when they were about to enter… or at least flush out the Dhroma nest. Not yet.

GG turned to the nearby mage and nodded. The mage started to speak, but no soud escaped her lips: it would be transfered to Wert’s ear.

“Alright then, let’s rock.” Wert gave the signal to Nessa, and she pointed at the ground. Almost as if a small charge was placed there, the ground, ten feet away, exploded. Loudly.

“Bravo team, hold your ground for now.” Twenty ment and women, flame throwers at the ready, aimed at two doors: Alpha on the west wing, and Bravo on the east.

It didn’t take long for the Dhroma to start stampeding out, enticed by the prospect of food. Fotunately for the soldiers, they tended to be rather stupid.

As soon as the first Dhroma burst through the passage, flame poured out of nozzles toward the door. And the first Dhroma to leave were the first to burn.

I followed Weiila around the complex. Mostly vertical, I figured it would be an old skyscraper. The dormitories, training areas, armory, cafeteria…

Wow. I hadn’t thought of how hungry I was.

Breakfast wasn’t what I was used to: It consisted of a scant portion of meat, and mostly vegetables. The meat I could understand. Edible meat would probably be rare. I doubted I’d want to know where it came from. But the vegetables… how did they grow them in a large city?

“Oh, we have farmland. Just not out in the wilds, it’s too dangerous. Mutations and Children tend to ruin what crops we try to grow there.” Mutations and Children? I’ll ask later. Right now I’m hungry and curious.

“So where do you grow them?”

She pointed up. “On the roof.”

Uhm… yeah. “That doesn’t seem to be the best place to grow food.”

She shrugged. “No it isn’t, but we make do. But it’s all we can do for now. It keeps them pretty safe. I’ll have to show you later.”

Yeah, you would. “Alright. So what are mutations and Children?”

Weiila thought for a moment. “Mutations are creatures that as far as we or Trillian know, have never existed before the Second Sun. Don’t know how long they’ve been around. Before my time, really.”

“What about the Children?”

She looked incredulous. This was starting to get to me. “You never heard of the Children?”


She sighed. “The Children of the Second Sun. Don’t know much about them, they’re a bunch of lunatics that worship the Second Sun. Nessa could fill you in better on that.”

Oi. Now, nicely fed (if not abundantly), I stood up. Weiila had finished long ago. She took our dishes to the kitchen as I waited for her by the door. “Now you promised to show me the roof?”

She smiled a bit and I followed her out.

After the first wave of Dhroma, those who still had fuel in their flamers went deeper into the nest. Alpha and Bravo had met now, and were clearing out portions of the nest.

“Gotta love the smell of roast mutant in the morning,” one of the soldiers next to GG quipped.

GG smirked. “It better be the only thing we smell once we finish here, or Wert’s going to have our hides, Simms.”

Simms grinned. “We could always throw him to the Dhroma.”

“I heard that!”

If the sounds of flamers weren’t enough to attract Dhroma attention, Wert’s shout was. A few more left the tunnels, and GG and Wert turned quickly to meet them.

“Yeeeehaw! I’m handin’ out beatings and pie, and I’m all out of pie!”

Wert laughed. “Where the hell do you come up with these things?”

“No idea. Less talky, more roasty.” GG smirked, turning back to the issue at hand.

Three more had left now, returning to the surface to refuel, leaving a troop of twelve. Wert shouted out to the remaining soldiers “If anyone leaves, we all go! We can’t afford to stay with any less!”

“How many do you think we’ve wiped out?” Simms called out.

“Maybe a hundred. I’m not counting.” Another soldier, about ten feet away called back.

“You too?” GG laughed.


“What’s going on back there?” Wert did his best not to turn back to face the shout.

“Mutants coming in behind us sir!”

“FUCK! Fry them and let’s get topside. We can’t afford this!”

“I’m out!”

GG still grinned, although his voice was just a bit nervous. “Just can’t get worse, can it?”

“NO! Help!”

Wert looked at GG as he turned to look at Simms, who now seemed to be quite entangled in Dhroma tentacles. “GG, why don’t you shut up?”

GG stepped back, blinking, thinking to himself, <i>Aw shit. If that thing’s about to infest, we better get him out before…</i>

It was too late. One of the tentacles shot out from the Dhroma and into a place that things normally left.

“Oh… my… god…” GG pulled a sword from his back intending to cut Simms free, but it was too late. Bulges started going from the Dhroma’s body into Simms. Simms screamed as each bulge entered his body. The Dhroma was pumping it’s eggs into him so his body heat would incubate them.

There was only one thing to do, and it was out of mercy.

“I’m sorry, Simms. You did good.” GG sighed as he swung the blade across Simms’ neck. Simms could only nod, blinded by pain before he took his last breath.

“Somebody ice him, make sure they won’t hatch!” Wert called out, resisiting the impluse to vomit. He’d NEVER get used to seeing that. The closest mage pointed at Simms’ body, which ended up quite stuck to the invading Dhroma, as they were encased in ice.

GG turned around and checked the fuel gauge to his flamer. No time to mourn right now. He didn’t want to end up like his friend. “Got enough to get us out Wert, we better get moving.”

Wert nodded. “GG, you go up front, clear out a path. I’ll hold the rear. Send a message to Nessa, we’re going to need backup, now.”

The message was relayed, and Nessa’s voice sounded in his ear. “No can do, Wert, we’ve got a problem.”

“What sort of problem?” Things just got better and better.

“Several coaches coming in, guns blazing. Thought they were bandits, but they’re Children! We need help out here!”

Wertigon groaned. “We better get out of here as soon as possible. Our guys topside are under fire by the Children!”

GG swore. Profusely. As they started to make their way back to the top, they could hear gunfire. Things just couldn’t possibly get worse.

Genius. Pure genius.


<strike>waits for</strike> hopes to have an appearance in this

Simply: wow.

Originally posted by GG Crono 4

Hey! That’s my phrase ;_;

Amazing, simply amazing.

Keep me away from those Dhroma things O_O;;

<img src=“”> Reminds me of Mandragoras.

Am I wrong in picturing the Dhroma things as Malboros? @_@

Very cool, Spazzy. Me wants morrrrrreeee! ^^

Does this slightly remind anyone else of Blue Gender? Either way it’s awesome.

Originally posted by Sephiroth Hayes
Hey! That’s my phrase ;_;

I was well aware of that when I blatantly ripped it off from you. :hahaha;

As long as it is put to good use, then I don’t mind :hahaha;
Update teh Ancient Wizadry NOWWW!

Creativity can’t be rushed. =P

Chapter 5: Advent Children

The scene outside of the nest was a mess. There were bodies all over the place. Spent shells littered the sidewalk, and a coach was burning ominously, demolished from crashing headon into a wall.

Driving over a strip of ice at 80 miles an hour would do that.

Nessa knelt behind a doorway, pistol at the ready. This was NOT what she needed. From the sound of the voice in her ear, the cleanup had gone badly. If they were still alive and unmolested, Dhroma would be tearing after them.

Might help bring down the Children, but they were just as bad for her. Worse if they weren’t just Initiates. But then, this would seem like something to sacrifice Initiates to.

One of the coaches passed by the doorway, riddling the walls with bullets. She could hear the shouts of pain from those not lucky enough to get out of the way in time. A quick series of light thundercracks suggested a mage with a little too much love of lightning. She peered out the doorway and took careful aim…

BLAM! One less mage. She quickly darted back in before it became two less mages.

She concentrated for a moment, making a complex mocement with the fingers of her free hand, whispering, “Wert, better be careful coming out. This place is crawling.”

A few seconds later came the reply: “It’s kinda hard to be careful with Dhroma up the ass.”

Even in the heat of the combat situation, Nessa wanted to beat her head on the wall. “Make that joke again, and I’ll kill you myself. Better be fast, maybe if we can get the Dhroma after the Children…”

“If they don’t gun us down once we get… AHHHHHHHHHHGGGG!!!” The scream made her ears ring. But it was easy to figure out why. Two less mages in the world now, if the liason wasn’t lucky.

The man across the doorway from Nessa was whispering himself, probably notifying the Governor. Backup would be very good right now. “Talking to the Governor?”

The man shook his head. “Just did, calling ClothHat.”

“That would work.” She poked her head out of the doorway as one of the coaches sped by for another pass. She quickly pulled the trigger, three times, really only putting holes in the coach’s body work. As if it didn’t have enough holes in it.

For a moment, Nessa wondered what the entire point of this attack was. It would make sense that they were en route to an attack on the Fortress, and she just had the bad luck to be in the way. But she wouldn’t bet on it.

Renewed gunfire quickly got her attention. Peering out, she saw several men and women leaving the theater at full speed, alternately firing and being fired at as they looked for cover away from the theater. GG and Wert were the last to leave, and they quickly made their way to Nessa, narrowly avoiding being mowed down by a coach.

“What’s the situation, Nessa?” Wertigon panted out as he turned to return fire at the Children.

“We’re pinned, simple as that. Already contacted the Gov and CH. Now just waiting.” She didn’t waste time. “Casualties?”

“Three dead. Too many Dhroma with babies. Think they might turn on the Children?”

“We can hope. If there’s any Maester in there, then our biggest worry is how fast we can run.”

BOOOM! GG palmed another firebomb, pulling the pin and tossing it out the doorway. Not very effective, perhaps… unless someone drives over it. Another explosion, and a large coach toppled from the force of of teh explosion. Wertigon and the snipers on the roof above them made rather quick work of the survivors.

Only a few coaches left now, but not enough men to take them on. Not until two more coaches appeared. “Who are they?” GG wondered alooud, holding his gun ready, just in case.

Nessa squinted. “Well what do you know? That’s ClothHat’s tag. I think the cavalry’s just arrived.”

It did, in spades. And leaning out of the window in the lead coach was a particular figure. He may not have had his fedora, but his tommy gun was apparent. “Wow. Guess he wanted to be a part of the action.”

You don’t argue with reinforcements, and ClothHat’s presence certainly boosted morale. Wertigon smiled as another coach, with of all things, a man standing out of the sunroof with a <i>bow</i>, launched arrows into the coaches, some striking home, some not. One coach was now driverless.

Then one of the Children tossed a firebomb. Straight into the doorway where Nessa and company had positioned themselves. They didn’t need any more convincing to leave.

Nessa was the last to leave, and she could feel the shockwave of the explosion throw her light frame down. This certainly didn’t help when she realized that the coach that had the driver with an arrow through his juglar was barreling down on her.

Nessa closed her eyes and waited for the hit. A monent later, she could feel the impact of the coach against the wall, not six feet from her head. She looked up, and the coach was lying on it’s side. Wert grinned at her from across the street and pointed to the mage who was with her earlier.

A muffled groan got her attention. It seemed that one of the passengers had survived and was trying to escape the van. A quick lightning bolt fixed that.

One of the coaches veered around and started to tear for ClothHat’s coach at full speed, head on. ClothHat just grinned. “It looks like they want to play chicken. Careful now. I haven’t saved yet.”

The other passengers knew better to argue. “I want us out of the way a second before we hit. Wert should be able to finish off the rest.” With that, ClothHat stood up, poking out of the sunroof, and taking aim. Right when he had the driver in his sights…

A firebomb exploded, sending shrapnel everywhere. A chip of asphalt shot out and clipped CH on the back of his head, forcing him down to hit his head on the roof, and pulling the trigger by accident. The result ended up with the coach with three of it’s tires now worthless. The driver couldn’t drive if his life depended on it.

Which it did, as the coach went headfirst into an old lightpost. ClothHat was merely out cold. As his men pulled him down from the sunroof, they had to wonder how he managed to do that.

As Nessa and the mages finished off the occupants of the fourth coach, the last one decided that discretion was indeed the better part of valor, and just kept driving by. Not before GG, taking a third firebomb, tossed it into the window of the fleeing coach.

KRABOOM! Bodies and coach parts flew everywhere.

Nessa sat back and sighed. That was quick at least, as ClothHat’s coaches rumbled to a stop near them, and four more could be seen, speeding down the street, stopping as Weiila and several men and women disgorged to check on the wounded.


/me kicks arse. :stuck_out_tongue:

:yipee: for Spaz

Sweet fic Spaz, and I’ll send you a bio soon, just need to type it up.

That’s one mighty sweet battle scene, hon :slight_smile: Good work!

Made some suggested changed to Chapter 4. Nothing mahor relaly.