
I FINALLY found Xenogears yesterday in my local gaming shop. It’s a much more low-key company than EB Games, where I was told, if a copy of Xenogears ever came in, “I’d buy it myself” from the two associates. There was like, 5 Greatest Hits copies at this other place and I scooped it up right quick :stuck_out_tongue: Yay me.

I also got Arc the Lad Twilight of the Spirits. It’s going pretty good. I’m not expecting anything extravagant from it except some hardcore fun, and it hasn’t let me down yet. Does anyone else have it? What do you think of it, and the rest of the series? I bought the game last week as well, on a whim. It was new, for only 14.99 and the used copy was a dollar more, go figure. needless to say I saved me some money.

Last but not least, Wild Arms 3. Aren’t you proud of me Dalton? =D I’m not sure if there are any other WAs fans here. But could anyone give me the scoop on this game? I was checking the ratings on my new three games a couple days ago at gamespot and I was shocked to see Wild Arms 2 rating like, 5 or something. That game was awesome for me :frowning: Apparently this one is a lot better though. Anyone give me a rundown? Critique/praise my new games?

As well, just a sidenote. Did you know, at gamespot, Chrono Cross is a frigging 10? What are those guys on.

Congratulations. Now get off the internet and start playing, that’s some high-class material you have on your hands.

Nice. Xenogears is definitely one of the best RPGs I’ve ever played. Now get to enjoying it!

Mail me them and your PS2. Now!

You can all come over for a sleepover :3

I’d like to go play but that’s all I did yesterday after being stuck with no internet :open_mouth: But as I type that, I guess I should go lay some wind spirit smackdown hurries away

Having played Arc the Lad Collection, I found Twilight of the Spirits rather disappointing. It was rather easy, the story was bland (and made worse by some of the most assholish characters ever), and the overall presentation was lacking. I just didn’t enjoy it nearly as much as the rest of the series.

Gaming journalists and review writers are cruel when it comes to WA2. They harp on the game about its lack of originality (though I can’t think of a single RPG that it’s similar to), or the story (which is actually very deep and moving if you try to ignore the translation). They’ll go out of their way to describe the characters in a negative way, calling them “cliche” or whatever kind of denouncing term they can think of.

Yes, I’ll admit the game does have some glaring flaws when it comes to the easy difficulty and the Engrish, but it doesn’t really matter all that much because the game is nearly impossible for me to put down. It’s fun, it’s satisfying, and the music rules; that’s all that matters.

But Wild Arms 3 on the other hand… well, it’s even better. If you’re into RPGs that offer you limited commands, but promise you strategic battles that require you to use everything in your party’s arsenal to win, then you’ll love it.

WA2 made me realise something about story lines.
When a group of heroes fights the government/empire/kingdom/whatever, they’re called rebels. But when it’s a group of villains fighting the gov’t/etc, they’re called terrorists.

As well as: No matter what side you belong to, besides for the 1/4 characters you control, everyone else in your organization is useless.

I agree with that. The games in AtLC are a lot better.

Yeah I knew it was nothing original or awe inspiring from looking at it. The story isn’t really it’s strongest point, nor the characters, but it keeps me occupied.

Xenogears: great RPGs with some new stuff like deathblows and gears. At first I thought: “Gears? I want to use my characters!”. But I was wrong wrong wrong. Gears rock. The plot is fantastic, too. But I still can’ t figure out why gears brawl. I mean c’ mon, you have giant robots and you make them use punches and kicks? -_-’ Fortunately you’ ll come across shooting gears, so it isn’ t much of a problem, even if some characters have this retro-syndrome…
To sum it up, congrats, great buy.:cool:

Why are they all talking about WA2? Typo? Cause I only have the 3, so I’ m not sure if I should talk about it…

Special Gears are made to synchronize with their pilots’ Ether and adapt as perfectly as possible to their attack patters. That’s to say, Weltall’s attacks are a lot more effective with martial art moves than using any other weapon. You’ll also notice than most generic gears have some manner of weapon available.

I mentioned WA2 because I was going through gamespot looking at ratings. I was shocked to find it rated like 4. something (I think?) out of 10 and then asked everyone what was up with that. I loved that game even though it took awhile to lift off, and it’s cool that I hear that WA3 is better. So I’m pleased with my purchases.

Well then, time to bore you with WA3: Kind of different from your FF-based RPG, some may like it while some may not (I do).


  • No more European Middle Ages setting, unlike other RPGs
  • GUNS, dammit! GUNS!
  • Kind of old-school
  • NO ATB! You can actually plan a strategy instead of “use your strongest attacks & heal”. Yes, you’ ll have to plan if you want a chance to win
  • You can rename your spells, kinda cool
  • Nice soundtrack
  • A meter (to cast spells, summons and other skills) that charges making battles deeper
  • Nice freedom of dungeon exploration, wiyh out-of-battle skills and puzzles
  • Overall good game


  • Only 4 characters, sorry
  • No weapons besides the ones you own (but thankfully they can be tweaked, kind of makes up for it)
  • Junction-like system (ARGHHH!)
  • Money is the hardest thing to earn and everything costs a lot
  • EXP is the 2nd hardest thing to earn and you’ ll need lots of it to level up
  • Random battles even on vehicles, but you can soup them up with cannons and stuff so it isn’ t that bad
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO WASTE DUPLICATORS! Trust me, they’ re fewer than needed so use them wisely

If you like RPGs, you’ ll very probably like it.

Pilots have giant robots and while on foot fight using punches and kicks? :too bad: Only Billy understands me…


And you missed my point completely: Hi-tech machines like the Omnigears and Diabolos-based Gears channel Ether to increase physical damage in a way that makes then much stronger than a simple gun. Billy has a Solarian Gear built using limited Diabolos technology and specifically designed for long-range combat, most other long-range fighters tend to suck.

Okay, okay. :hyperven: It just seemed out of place, that’ s all. Spoiler removed, BTW. Thanks for the info…

You can quote spoiler-tagged text, you know.

You mean it can still be black when quoted?

The good thing is that you’ll never have to “level up” in Wild Arms 3. It’s one of those nifty RPGs where you can just fight every battle along the way to progress through the game.

And as for money, well, there’s not really all that much you can buy in WA3. ARM upgrades are obviously the most expensive part, but you’ll find that if you trim down on the amount of upgrades to attack power early in the game and opt for Weight and Critical Hit instead, things will be a lot cheaper. Also, if you’re fighting a boss, use a Gella Card on it to obtain double Gella after the battle, but don’t bother if the boss is worth less than 1500 Gella, because a card can sell for that much. Or simply save the cards for bosses that are worth tons of cash.

And be reasonable with Heal Berries! I find that the biggest gripe about Wild Arms 3 is that you can’t purchase healing items, but it’s not like it’s all that hard to conserve them. Here are some conservation tips.

And good luck to you! If you need help with WA3 and you can’t find the answer anywhere, let me know, and I’ll get back to you in no time!