RPGC in World War II

kicks Charl in a very bad place I think not! Glad I’m not on the axis, general.

Bitch-slapped by Wolf. Glad I chose to be a defector too…

I haf changed mein mind, to ze oven vis her!

Joins in on the Charle Abuse

turns head and ignores Charl while sharpening sword

You people have deathwishes, what good is physical beating and swords gonna do to a guy with a freakin gun in his hand?

Ach mein Gott. Er (Charle) ist ein schiesskopf…

Not really really. Considering the fact that I don’t fear guns since I always have a back up plan.

RPGC in World War II
Chapter 3: Unternehmen
By Admiral Nagumo

Korey began to climb; the P-40 was on his six closing the gap. Korey felt a jolt, at that moment he knew he was hit. He began to descend, the stick was not responding.
So this is what it’s like to be shot down. He thought as he opened his canopy and bailed out. His parachute opened with ease, he looked up at the plane that shot him down wondering if the P-40 had been improved or if his own plane was sluggish. If the pilot wanted him dead, now was his chance. But the attack never came; in fact he saw that Hans and Peter were doing a great job of holding off two surviving planes. The Luftwaffe pilot looked down to see where he was slowly dropping towards; it was a forest not deep in enemy territory a little past the one of the frontline bases called GoGo, but the gap between RPGC territory and German was quite a bit. As Von Hoth entered the forest his parachute got caught on a tree branch. He struggled and pulled to try to escape but was unable to. He pulled out a Tanto (Japanese short sword) that his father gave him and cut himself free. When his feet hit the ground he lost his balance, quickly he put his arms out to try to grab hold of something to prevent his fall but was unable to. When he fell, the left side of his head made contact with a log. He tried to pull himself up, but the weight of unconsciousness pulled him back down.

Leading Stirling bomber: Cockpit

Slips was on the radio trying to contact Serpent but had no luck. He finally put the radio down and focused on flying. The passengers were getting restless, they wanted to know if it was safe to continue on.
Jon turned around to the passengers. “Calm down we are still unable to contact the field. It should come into view any time now.”
Slips tapped him on his shoulder. “Hey look!”
Jon turned around and looked in horror, thick smoke was rising from the base. As they got closer Slips saw that both runways were out.
“Jon we’re going to land over there in that field so hold on.” Slips warned.
The Stirling Bomber began to descend. The Bomber lowered its landing gear and speed, the approach on the field went well but when it touched down it bounced a bit. Slips was cautious, he knew that could dig in and flip over, but the Stirling slowed down and came to a halt. Slips saw that the other planes were landing ok as well.
Jon rested his head on the back of the seat. “I’m glad that’s over with.” He turned to the passengers. “Ok, you chaps may get out now.”
The passengers began to exit but were approached by an officer.
“Hey, you all can’t stay here it’s dangerous.”
Jon opened his side window. “Is there a problem?”
“Yeah. You all can’t stay here?”
“What do you mean?!” Jon shouted.
“What do you mean what do I mean? Look around you.”
“When will you have this place up again?”
“Fully, about two weeks.”
Jon slammed his window closed. “Well Slips, what now?”
Slips exhaled. “We have enough fuel to return. I say we go back.”
“What!” Jon said.
“The Germans flattened this base for a reason. They are going to try to break through the frontline. We are sitting ducks if we stay here.”

Luftwaffe airfield: Jaeger

General Charlemagne was visiting the airfield to brief the pilots on his up coming plan called Unternehmen (Operation) Yevon. All fighter pilots and bomber pilots that were chosen to be in this mission had to attend this meeting or else not fly for three weeks, among these pilots was Siegfried von Wittenberg a beginning pilot along with his smart mouth friend Georg Pingl. They entered the building, wile there were plenty of pilots in here it wasn’t as cramped as they thought. When the last pilots were checked in the doors were closed and locked.
General Charlemagne walked to his podium, cleared his throat, and began to speak. “As many of you know the RPGCanese are putting up quite futile struggle against us, but they will not succeed. I would like to introduce Kristian Valmet also known as Mabatsekker.”
Mabatsekker stepped forward and saluted.
Charlemagne pulled down a map and continued speaking. “This is the plan. In 2100 hours tonight 10 Junker Ju-88s will be loaded with external oversized heavy Para-bombs will bomb the base of GoGo. Inside five of these Para-bombs will be Mabatsekker and four of his men. You fighter pilots will guard these bombers with your lives. In the confusion after they land, they should be able to plant explosives in the underground artillery shell storage chambers, and if able destroy any other ammo storages. After this plan succeeds the true Unternehmen will begin. Any questions?”
There were murmurs around the room. One pilot raised his hand. “Yes. I am Peter Sterlin. Our Hauptman has been shot down near GoGo. If he has been taken prisoner will it be possible to rescue him?”
Charlemagne answered “What is his name?”
“Korey Von Hoth”
Charlemagne thought for a second, “Oh Korey Von Hoth, Ken Von Hoth’s son. I knew Ken; we fought together in World War I against the Japanese. He was a good man. So be it. Mabatsekker add that to your objectives. Anything else? Then dismissed.” Charlemagne brought his arm towards the pilots saluiteing them.
The pilots began to exit.
Pingl joked “I don’t understand why we don’t drop him on GoGo? All the hot air would have the same effect.”

Korey slowly regained conciseness. His eyes were still a little blurry but he could make out he was still in the forest. It was almost dark; Korey pulled out his compass and began to walk towards the north. The frontline wasn’t too far and the core of the frontline was GoGo. He did not know how he was going to get past the defense line. The pilot came to a small side path. He walked down the path and found that it led to a cliff that over saw a beautiful view. Looking at this view was a female RPGC soldier.

Vhy do you haet me?

Yevon? Moogles? Oh God.

*starts imagining moogles flying over charlemanges base and dropping kupo shell bombs on him and hearing him say, “Zee Peegs zey fly.”

lol. Video, the way i see things they might have chocobo partners like in the game.

  • Imagines Charl seeing Chocobo droppings and Chocobo riding moogles trampling his men and him crying over how pathetic his men are.* I hate to see a grown general cry.

Wait…what’s Yevon? The moogles I know about…

From FFX. Yevon was some bullshit religion. If you read the beginning of the chapter it’ll say something about operation Yevon.

wolf, why do you hate me? I dont remember doing anything to you.

sighs I never said I hated you Charl. I don’t hate normally unless I have a reason. Just like I’m sure you didn’t mean it when you said, “I haf changed mein mind, to ze oven vis her!” Okay? Sorry for any misjudgements.

He never said he hated you he said haet.

Charlemagne what did you think of Chap 3?

Do I crash since there was some ominous things underlined there?

or can i crash? ( but not die, i do like living)



Op Yevon i can take its just a name, but a Moogle?
this is getting crazy…

I hate to break it to you, but the Moogle thing is a little surreal. Most likely a Wehrmacht or Luftwaffe serviceman would rather paste the little bugger than actually talk to it.